His consistent, deeper words to me made me think that he dislikes me and just wants to frustrate me in life. At first I had a feeling of regret for saying yes to him. My expectations from him were only for him to pamper me and do whatever pleases me, making my happiness his priority devoid of anything that could hurt my feelings. I didn't realize that all he has been doing was pushing me into being the best version of my life.
"Whatever your hands find doing, do it to the best of your knowledge" This is one of his anthems to me every now and then. At a point, this word started getting me irritated because, why can't he see that I am trying my best? But sincerely, all the time he used this word to talk to me, I wasn't at my best, but I failed to admit it. Before I continue, I am referring to my husband!
Who in your life inspires you to become the best version of yourself, and how do they do so?
He has been one of my biggest supporters and has pushed me to do my best! I wouldn't fail to recognize my family and friends, who have also inspired me a lot through their actions and support. However, my husband has daily made great impacts that have given my life a different shape since the past 10 years of living with him. I met him in my early twenties, and then I acted like an amateur both in action and in reasoning. He found it so difficult to discuss tangible topics with me as his wife.
I remember him saying that I don't think far about my life but limit myself so much. I remember another of his words back then where he said, Picture where you want to be in life in the next 5 years and start working towards it. He is always on my case, trying to help me break out of shortsightedness, lolz. This isn't the right word to use here, but it just explains better what I mean, hehehe 😃.
His words to me never came so soft to my heart. It usually leaves me with a deeper reflection of my life. If he wasn't this intentional about my personal growth and pampered me on every side as I expected, I bet I would have been nothing close to being proud of myself and my achievements in life so far. It would be a disaster because I had that mentality initially that once I get married, I am covered for life. No need to stretch myself but remain under my husband to care for me. Lucky enough, he changed that orientation I had and keeps helping to unfold a better version of me.
I have had a total shift in my mindset and keep pushing my dream in life without being pushed by him or being reminded. In fact, lately, he has been the one asking me to take things easy and one at a time. He has expressed his excitement over the woman I have become lately, and I am proud of myself and grateful for his inspiration since we met.
This post is in response to the Ladies of Hive community contest #197. Interested in participating? Find the prompt here.
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