Here thinking about how I'm going to prioritize that something next January 2025, I start reflecting with this here and now during this last month of the year 2024.
December is not just a month: it is an emotional revolution where nostalgia and hope fight for control.
Everything moves us this month. It makes us feel either very good why I achieve some goals or I fulfill dreams, or I lie down and it makes me feel like I didn't do anything.
That just the fact of staying alive is an achievement. Today I question so many things and I am grateful for many more 🥹✨
That's why mental health needs to be addressed. It's a month that I wish to spend in fast camera 🙏🏻. It's the month where I cry 😥 and no one finds out haha.
I think my priority is the same as always, staying alive, really in health and will live practicing my daily planning of a lot of physical activity, enjoying nature, the sea, loving what I do even if it is not the most important thing for others, continuing to cultivate good friends, as well as companions on the road, linking myself socially and interactively with my social, affective environment, achieving goals no matter if they are small, laughing more hugging with my soul, ahhhhh and problems, complex situations, bumps at times leave them where I can solve them so I don't have to carry them on my back always at a cost...
I really love this route, it's my priority, for my next 2025. There is nothing better than going to the beach, doing exercises, and then swimming for a while... I invite you to join me @priyanarc
This is the pleasant part of my life; the other side of the coin, I do not write here, it remains for me alone.🌹☀️
Separator made with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /) by @janitzearratia
Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with [Canva]( https://www.canva.com /)
Translation with |DeepL