Hello beautiful ladies of Hive, for this week contest #204 this is my entry. How do I usually feel on rainy days and what are my favorite things to do?
Rainy days has been my best season ever since I was much younger and that's because I love to bath in the rain. My mom usually used to be scared of me catching cold and often come to drag me out but after finding out I really don't get a cold she just let me be and allow me play for as long as I want.
Oh happy me, I would help my mom get lots of water the rain blessed us with seeing that we lived in a place where water is scars which obviously made me even happier knowing fully well I won't go out to fetch water the next day.
Now as an adult, i can't possibly bath in the rain again but it does bring back good old memories nonetheless I still love the raining season till date. Oh my! The smell of the earth is so refreshing and as a child then and now am tempted to have a taste of it which I enjoy so much although I was warned not to take too much of it ever since my surgery so once I while when I can no longer hold my appetite I just taste little of the earth.
You know there is something so different when it's raining and one is wrapped with a big blanket sleeping, the feeling is heavenly and you get to rest well without any disturbance so i love the rain for so many reasons that makes me happy but then it can be frustrating especially when you are not at home before it start to rain. 😞