Hello Everyone!
Today I make a beautiful paper photo frame. It is decorated with four flowers. Two images can be added to that frame. Each flower is made using 5 pieces of paper of the same size as the petals. I think that frame is very beautiful.
In the first step, cut the white paper with 39cm, 24cm and fold it in half. Fold the two sides to the middle line and fold the four corners as shown. Fold both sides in half step by step. After turning the paper to other side, fold it in half and fold the two bottom edges as well. Join these two folded areas as shown. I glue pink paper pieces around the sides.
Cut the paper for the flower by measuring 8cm, 4cm and fold it in half. Fold the three edges slightly. Make another four such paper piece. Glue them together to make a flower. Draw on this flower as shown. Make another three flowers in the same way. Decorate each side of the frame with each two flowers.
I think that photo frame is very beautiful. So I really like it. I also take beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for your reading my post to the end.
March 16, 2025
Written by @asterkame
By my photos & made by me