Over the years, the term freedom has been likened to liberty and has also been defined as the right to say or do whatever one feels like. The prompt for this week in the #qccommunity really got me thinking deep. Are we really free?
Concept of freedom
The concept of freedom started with putting an end to slavery and giving every human equal rights. This became more defined as the declaration of human rights was established which states about thirty human rights laws. There is the right to life, the right to freedom of speech, the right to free movement and so many others. But my question still remains...are we truly free?
During my younger days, I observed that certain restrictions were taken away once one got to a certain age. These restrictions were enforced on us young kids and we had no option but to obey because we were under authority. I remember asking a lady then why she was free to go out and come back at anytime that she likes but I was given a curfew. She looked at me and laughed while saying "wait till you are an adult, then you will be free".
I kept that one sentence in my heart and would often pray to quickly become an adult so that I can finally be free,hehe...if only I knew. So many people have also been erroneously fed with such response that freedom comes with a certain age limit or with a certain educational qualification or financial acquisition but I beg to differ.
I learnt the hard way when I eventually became an adult. I had to start earning income for myself and my family. I was employed and was under several supervisors, managers and other authority figures that I submit to. These bosses controlled my time, my space, my thoughts and in the long run me. The only benefit is that I get paid at the end of a thirty day streak.
Becoming an adult opened me up to a lot of responsibilities that I wish I could go back in time and wnjoy my childhood and teenage years more. There's a wild spread saying flying around that adulthood is a scam. This is because we thought when we became adults that we would be free to do whatever we want. No one told us that there will be consequences for our every action or the cumbersome responsibility that came with that phase of life. Now I look at kids and envy their carefree nature and these kids also envy my being able to do things without being told..how ironic.
Freedom vs Licentiousness
Freedom is not licentiousness because licentiousness is wanto disregard for rules, laws or moral norms. When we begin to think that we can do what we want, when we want and how we want without a care or regard for the other person's feelings, then that is not freedom, it has moved to licentiousness. I believe thie quote below states it clearly..
•>“May we think of freedom, not as the right to
do as we please but as the opportunity to do
what is right.” — Peter Marshall
Freedom is the willingness to do what is right at the right time while taking into consideration the next person's feelings. For instance, I am free to put on whatever outfit I like and walk out of my house but knowing that my dressing might be offensive to some people in the neighborhood, I apply moderation. This is what is seen as true freedom, having the right to do something but exhibiting a degree of moral piety with regard to the next person.
Let's take another illustration, how many of us as adults would go to the center of the road or street to bath stark naked? None right, I guess that shows you clearly that the concept of freedom is over rated. We are all free but the freedom is no license to behave or act in ways that disregard established rules and laws. These rules are set for orderliness and guidance and failure to follow these rules would result in chaos.
Freedom entails responsibility. In other words, it is to have the will to be responsible for one's actions.
Thank you all for reading...shalom
Images are mine.