My Emotions Rule Me A Lot.

in SciFi Multiverse3 days ago (edited)

As huma beings that blood runs in our veins, we are emotional people even though some people know how to control their emotions. Well, I’m one of those who find it very difficult to control their emotions and it also affects my ways of making decisions.
I can’t count how many times I have allowed my emotions to take over me and affect my act of decision making.
Unfortunately, I make permanent decisions on temporary emotions which mostly doesn’t end well for me.


A time when I made decisions based on emotions

Sometime ago, I rented an apartment and I needed a painter to paint the house. Luckily, there’s a guy on my street who says he’s into painting jobs and that made it easy because I don’t need to start looking for a painter.

I took him to the apartment, he made his quotation and I paid him immediately. By the time he was done painting, I didn’t like the outcome of the job. Due to my emotions and anger, I lambasted the guy and never greeted him anymore. That was a wrong decision based on my emotions because we could have just talked things out.

At last, I fell by the road a few days ago and he lifted me up. I was embarrassed because he turned out to help me even though I wasn’t nice at him and I was just being angry because I didn’t like the outcome which I could have just talked to him in a polite manner.

What lesson did I learn?

I could have just talked things out with him. After I thought about it, it doesn’t make any sense for me decide not to greet him anymore because I didn’t like the job he did.


Have I ever been held back from an important decision due to my emotions?

Yes, I have. I was sometime in a relationship and I noticed the red flags but chose to ignore. It would have been better if I made the right decision by walking out of that relationship but at the end, I got hurt by him and I had to forcefully walk out of the relationship.


Emotions can be bad more especially when taking decisions i try my best to control my emotions

Very bad
We don’t make the right decisions when emotion falls in


Wow, your story here is touching. It's nice that you learnt a lesson from it. I can imagine how it must have made you feel, nevertheless you got a lesson from it.

I’m happy that I learned from it
