The aim of everyone going into a business is for profit, either at the initial stage or at the latter stage, what is important is that every labour has it reward. The hive blockchain has been a blessing to me which I cannot overemphasized. In our society today, it is difficult for someone to show you their source of income. No one will ever want you to know where they are getting their earnings from either legitimate way vice verse. I was once a novice on what hive is all about and I do complain to @fashtioluwa for lack of money to cater for my needs. He got tired of my complaints and he decided to tell me about hive, although I write but I never knew there is a platform where I can write to earn.
This brought me to give and ever since then, I've been willing to tell anyone who has passion for writing about hive. Ever since I started, as many people as I have told, the first question they ask is "hope the dollar reward is everyday and will they be able to cash out?". I find it difficult to explain to them that it isn't a get-rich-quick scheme as many other platforms. Once I began the explanation of how hive works, they lose interest saying "they can't be stressing their brain for such little earning". I tried to onboard my younger sister into the hive blockchain , explaining to her how it works thinking she might have interest since it's what I do, she said "she can't go through the stress of writing articles which might not be voted for".
She said this because she was aware of my early days on hive where I will write all through the week and not get voted for. The sleepless nights of trying to meet up with different communities prompts which might later earn me $0.30 or lesser. Sharing my experiences with newbies on how the first 3 months on hive can be always put some of them off but I do believe it's lack of determination and passion. If writing is something they have passion for, it won't cost them anything to write without getting rewarded, what would matter is reaching out to the world beyond them first and getting the recognition needed to pave way for them on the blockchain. Till now, I am still working twice harder than before to get recognition on the blockchain so that I can be open for several opportunities on the platform.
Recently, a course mate in class saw me writing an article on ink well nonfiction prompt and he asked what I was doing. I had to suspend what I was writing to explain to him because he seems interested. I told him the little I know about hive blockchain and when it comes to the reward aspect, I explained to him how the reward is being shared and that was a turn off for him. "How will I earn $10 on a post and I will be given $2.5 , where then does the rest goes to?", he asked. I smiled and looking at him I guess he was interested in the reward since it can be converted to usdt. "That is not a profitable business I must say", he concluded, at that point convincing him will not yield positive result because his main purpose of wanting to join the platform cannot be achieved.
He wanted to earn big and be given the bigger share so he can become a millionaire in no time. This is the main challenge I've been having with onboarding newbies, they want the bigger share of the reward thinking it's their right. My experiences with preaching hive to the masses has been the same because I haven't seen someone who is ready to go into the hive blockchain because he or she has passion for writing. And for something which one had no passion for, it will be difficult to sacrifice for such thing to achieve success. My onboarder made sure to tell me the real fact about working on hive, if one isn't disciplined, focused and ready to take the risk into achieving greatness then hive blockchain is not meant for such individual.
Thanks for your time and your comments will be appreciated.