Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. Traveling and exploring is something lots of individuals enjoy; the fun that comes with it as well as the knowledge gained from exploring are always top notch. We all have cities we fantasize about, dreaming we could visit soon while working on ways to make our dreams come true. The existence of borders has kept us all safe but has hindered our exploration dreams. It's really the existence of borders that is hindering a lot of us from embarking on journeys we fantasize and dream of.
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There are lots of amazing places in the world, places we have heard of, and now we long to see them for ourselves as we wish to visit these places and cure our curiosity. For me, one of the places I have heard of and would love to visit is the Eiffel Tower in France. I think the stuff I read about the tower online doesn't do justice to how amazing it really is. It has existed for decades, but it still feels like it came into existence yesterday. I really want to see for myself.
As much as we have places we want to visit for all that we have heard about them, we also have places we do not want to visit because of what we heard or because of bad experiences after the last visit. We all have that one place that, even with a free bus or flight, we will never agree to pay a visit to. It might be because of the stories we have heard or because of one experience or another. There are a few places I have ruled out, never to visit and never to step foot in there.
First on my list is Libya. While growing up, I heard stories about Gaddafi's cruel leadership and how it violated human rights, and I felt for the people until years later, videos of how many Libyans treated Nigerian immigrants started flooding the Internet and the news. They treated these immigrants way worse than Gaddafi even treated them; it broke my heart. Even after the death of Gaddafi, the country is yet to get back on its feet, as there has been news about constant clashes and war that have crippled the country's economy.
They as well lack basic social amenities, which makes visiting a country like that a no no, a country with so many detention centers where immigrants are locked up and treated like animals. The only way I am visiting a country like that is if I am blindfolded or taken by force.
Another place I avoid with all my life is the northern part of my country (Nigeria), Yobe State, Borno State, and some other northern states, but these two states in particular. I was born and brought up in Yobe State; it was peaceful at first until 2011, when the whole Boko Haram thing hit us. We thought it was going to die down but never did; instead, it escalated, and people no longer sleep at night. You just cannot rest your eyes anymore, as you have to be alert at all times.
You are in your house and the entire house is shaking like an earthquake is about to happen, but it's not an earthquake; a town nearby is getting bombarded, and you are left wondering if your own town is next. It was not a funny experience, and I don't wish for such an experience again.
Thanks for reading my post.