Pet peeves are those bad habits that can sometimes be irritating... Most people have a pet sleeve that they can't stop doing, it just happens in their subconscious state of mind, My pet peeve is I love biting my fingernails which is the reason why I can't grow my fingernails.

Some other examples of pet peeves are chewing food with your mouth open or talking while eating, i found this act disgusting because whatever is in your mouth would be visible and the view is not nice.
I have a friend that I can never eat the food he prepares nor can I allow him to eat with me he would think I am being stingy not knowing I have my reason and most of the time I would prefer he get his food or buy for him than allow him to eat with me, there is no other reason behind it but his pet peeves which is worse compared to other pet peeves.
He keeps long fingernails but this is not the main problem, I have seen him countless times putting his finger in his anus or scratching his bum and smelling it! and some of the particles will get stuck in his fingers, so if you were in my shoes, would you allow such a person to put a hand in your food?
Personal hygiene is an important thing that every person should practice, not just to impress or attract others but for your own benefit...when you take care of your body, you benefit greatly from it too. Nothing is greater than good health, the person who made the quote Health is wealth
deserved a medal cos he is damn right...

Another pet peeve I dislike is someone leaving the toilet unflushed after using it, why would you forget to flush your mess and leave it there for an innocent person to see it, I find it so disgusting and it gets me so angry so no way I can get married to someone who does that because we won't last a day.
The last pet peeve I dislike was when I visited a relative and we slept in the night, only for the husband to wake up in the night to pee in the bucket of water, it sounded so funny and weird to me and no one told me before I carry my bag the next day and left their house, end of visitation because if he can pee in the bucket of water while asleep, who knows if the pot of soup is safe, so before I drink someone pee, I left the house and never visited them again, to be honest, I respect the wife cos, not every woman can tolerate such a bad habit... Unfortunately, we have some people like this who do not know what they are doing again once they are asleep and when they wake up in the night, they end up doing something they won't be proud of when they are told the next day and the annoying part is they would deny doing it because they were not conscious to know what they did in the midnight.

Just call me Burl.
I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast
Discord: burlarj
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen
Only Love can heal a broken Heart

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