Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 182 ~ birds and sunflowers

in Feathered Friends7 months ago

One of @farm-mom's favorite flowers is sunflowers. It's hard to believe that these splendid giants start from a single seed like the one in this Goldfinch's mouth. At this time of the year, many of the sunflowers have died off, revealing their seeds.

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Besides taking cuttings from sunflowers as they reach maturity and exhibit their exquisiteness, the seeds are a favorite of many smaller birds living in our area.

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This year, I decided to cut the entire stalk near the bottom of the plant and fasten it to the railing on our deck. By doing this we can view the activity of many different birds coming to feast on the seeds, right from our front porch.

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The Red-breasted Nuthatch enjoying some sunflower seeds.

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A Chickadee seems to be eyeing up the bonanza of seeds, trying to determine which one to feed on.

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I guess this one tickled its fancy.

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This is Robin's Sunflower patch where I took the cuttings from. With all of the seeds yet to come we should be able to save a few bucks on bird seed.😁

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Thank you @melinda010100 @barbara-orenya and @nelinoeva for another #featheredfriend adventure, #SMaP 182.


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

What a cool idea, putting the full stalks on the porch posts! Get to see lots of birds that way! Her sunflowers sure did well!

Last year we just cut a few heads and put them on a bench on the front porch, this way is so much better.

A feast for your birds! I can never grow sunflowers. The chipmunks and squirrels destroy them!

The chipmunks and squirrels eat half of what I put in the bird feeders, but they have left the sunflower bed alone so far.

Tank you for the !INDEED

 7 months ago Reveal Comment

Thank you for the work you do for the community!

I love your idea of having the sunflowers on your deck, the birds do love the seeds.
Stunning images!

Thanks my friend, they are making a little bit of a mess, but nothing the blower can't handle.

Some of the pictures I got I was very happy with.

The idea that came up with it was really brilliant, you can enjoy the birds that come in a relaxed way.

Thanks, it's not too often I get a good idea, 😁 but this one worked out wonderful.

Thank you very much.

The Goldenfinch is a pretty bird and being able to observe the activities of these birds from your porch is really cool.

Birds never miss a beat when it comes to an easy free meal, lovely thought bringing plants up closer for you to enjoy their coming and going.

It has worked out great because we spend so much time on the porch that we get to see them all the time.

 7 months ago Reveal Comment