White beauties

in Feathered Friends2 days ago

Feathered beauties can come in many colours, and normally in a multitude of colours. But for this week's SMAP, white beauties were the chosen ones; two of them, to be more precise. Both of them are commonly found in Portugal, although one of them is not that widespread - but it's also the easiest to recognize!


Little egret - Egretta garzetta

It the breeding season, little egrets are even more beautiful, since those loose head feathers become even more apparent.


She stood there almost motionless, apart from small head tilts, scouting the waters for her next meal. She didn't caught anything while I was there... but at least she was a great photographic model!


Being so white makes it a little harder to get a good exposed photo, given all the light reflection. And the sun was really strong that day.


The cattle egret is the only species that can cause some confusion with this one, but the black beak (opposed to the cattle egret yellow one) is a good way to tell them apart; that, and the black legs with the yellow feet, that are well below water here!

As much as I always enjoy seeing these, especially so close, I've let my favourite white beauty for last. I usually see them flying or very far away, so this was also a good surprise.


Eurasian Spoonbill - Platalea leucorodia

There's no way to mistake this one! A very big bird, with a beautiful white plummage with sprinkles of yellow in base of the neck... and a beak that looks like a spoon: unmistakable!


Well, at least here in Portugal, since there are other spoonbill species in other parts of the world: six, to be more precise. But this is the one one that lives here.


I've found him as I was heading back home, the golden hour was approaching and the light was slowly fading away. And there he was, not that far from the main road, quietly preening, oblivious to the passers by.


These photos were taken in a very small nature reserve, crossed by a dirt road; there are usually people running/ walking, and the geeks birdwatching and taking photos (guilty...). So I imagine the birds are more or less used to seeing people passing by; nevertheless, by my experience, spoonbills tend to be kind of shy, so I consider this a blessing!


Being able to admire him at a short distance, for several minutes, and with enough light to take decentish pictures: best way to wrap the day!



If you go to Algarve, the southernmost region in Portugal, and you like to watch birds, or take a small nature walk, here's the link to this place. And if you visit, fingers crossed that you can see these beauties as well!



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Great pics 👍 love that shot of the egret with the reflection

Thanks! Even being a common bird, not many times I was able to photograph them this close.

Beautiful gallery of white birds!
The spoonbill is amazing, such an unusual beak. 🙂

One of my favourite "big birds" in the country! ;)

Beautiful captures and truly the spoonbill bird is very striking. I loved it. I find this bird watching activity very relaxing. 😃

It sure is!

Beautiful photos! The bird is so pretty and graceful. These feathers sticking out behind look especially cute.