The return of the storks

in Feathered Friends11 months ago


When the storks arrived I was wondering if the young couple who made their first nest last year near my working place will be back and start all over again.

For those who forgot or haven't read my post from last year, here is a short overview.

There is a bridge close to the factory fence. A concrete column, perhaps part of the construction with flat top was chosen by the young stork couple, who built their nest there last year. It was great to watch them everyday and the two babies they've got. Sadly after a storm, the babies did not survive. The people who live in the houses nearby tried to save them, but could not. It was very sad to see how the couple abandoned the nest.

Knowing the storks always return to the same nest, I hoped to see them again. And not just me, other mates from work too. And we did not wait for long, last week I saw them, both were standing on the top.


This photo was from yesterday, but from a distance. I took it from the factory yard.

Today I decided to go on the bridge for some better shots and one of my mates accompanied me. Unlike the clear sunny day we had yesterday, today was overcast.

Today there was just one stork, he or she (I have to find out how to determine their sex) was busy preening.


From time to time, the stork stopped and looked at me. The wind blew the feathers on its long neck and it looked like the bird was wearing a scarf.


While I was looking around and searching where the other stork might be, I missed how this one took off and at the same time my mate pointed at the sky.


What made the stork to fly so quickly? Here is the answer. The buzzard.



The stork kept flying away from the nest and higher and higher. Such behaviour made me think the stork intention was to distract the raptor from the nest.


The buzzard did not take any notice and went away. The stork was much high and against the sun, so we headed back and then the stork came back and I took the last shots from afar.



I cross fingers this time the couple to have more luck and to manage to raise their offsprings. I will keep on watching them and soon I intend to visit the other storks nest, a bit further. So, stay tuned for more stork stories.



banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya

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That is great they are back Neli! And the buzzard, well nature can be cruel but that is the way of the world. Let's see if there can be some baby storks this year!

I am so happy to see them back. Now I am thinking to name them, got some idea, but I will share in another post.

Aha you know naming them makes sense and is fun too!


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Thank you very much!

Storks, they are like swans. Graceful, sweet, loyal to each other. Stunning photos and observations.👍

Thank you so much @ratel. 🙂

What a shame what happened to the stork chicks, it is very sad to know that they did not survive the storm.
How wonderful that the pair of crayfish returned and you were able to take these beautiful shots @nelinoeva

Unfortunately not every little bird survives, the life is hard for everyone.
I wish that the storks will have new babies to show you.

I do remember this story with the storks, and it's good that they returned to the same place
I can't believe you witnessed this vulture attack in the air, and how clever they are at keeping the predator away from the nest.
Beautiful photographs dear friend @nelinoeva

I am glad you've remembered it.
I keep my eyes opened, one never knows what can happen.😄
The truth is I am lucky to be there at the right time.