Hello my lovelies,
It's been two months since my post I know where you live. It was about the Scops Owl I saw in one of the bird houses in the park. I very much hoped the owl chose the house for a nest. Every time passing by I looked up the house and sometimes luckily the owl was there.
And one day, look who is showing up - an young owl!
This was a nest, the owl got baby or babies for sure and the curious face looked at the camera with eyes wide opened.
I could not be happier to know there are healty babies and to see them soon out.
I can't help myself but to zoom more to show you this cutie from another angle.
Few days later, we saw the two babies outside the box, hidden well among the leaves.
To our delight the third baby was sitting on a branch much lower, giving me a chance for better photos. Mind you I made so many and will share just a few.
Now be prepared for cuteness overload, because next photos will show you the most adorable baby owl.
If you look closer you will see the pink part of the foot and the sharp claws. Rather chubby feet these owls have.
Hubby saw a man later on the other day, who told him the little one was on the ground and he put the owlet on the branch. That is why we saw it so close.
Of course the parents weren't far from their offsprings. So, we have the pleasure to see the whole family of five on one tree.
Here is one of the parents.

This year I took part again in the photo contest of the National Geographic Bulgaria and guess with what photo? Of course of the Scops Owl.
My photo in National Geographic photo contest
Wish me luck, the competition is big and there are some really great photos.
I hope you enjoyed viewing the photos I made. It was a pleasure to share them with you.

Thank you for viewing my post.