Hello friends,
How many times have you seen the birds to poop? Maybe not so often, but traces of their activity is under the branches, feeders, nests... How many times have you seen them doing this while in flight? I guess even less. So, it was really a lucky coincidence to photograph the buzzard in action.
I saw the bird hovering above and I thought how close the raptor was for some nice shots. While I was clicking I saw something hanging and I thought - oh my god, the buzzard was pooping, keep on shooting.
After the pictures were downloaded I was pleased to know that I had two shots worth the effort. And here they are
The buzzard lowered the legs and... shoot. 😀
I wonder on which head it might landed.
As a matter of fact the seagulls are notorious for aiming people's heads. They couldn't care less where they will poop. But the buzzard was a different story.
Anyhoo, it was funny experience and although I didn't get it as sharp as I wish, it was worth sharing.

Another funny moment I have caught was with a seagull diving in the sea.
I love to be on the beach in winter. There are few people there walking and watching the swans. The seagulls make the show. They fight, dive, try to steal any food, always some drama.
I found interesting how well these birds dive in the water. Actually they feed on almost everything and as far as could see, some were picking jellyfish.
And now the sequence of images and how the seagull dives.

And I will finish with this photo of the pair of headless swans. 😀
They buried their heads in water simultaneously.
And final words. Don't forget #SMaP, our weekly contest in Feathered Friends Community.
There is still time to enter if you haven't already done it.
The link to the contest is Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 202
And that's all for now. Have a lovely weekend and happy birding.

Thank you for viewing my post.