Black kite

There are some birds which are very beautiful to look at but those birds are usually not easily available to us. These birds are one of them. Which we basically see flying in the sky. It is a large sized kite. I got to see it yesterday. It looked very old. And also the feathers that this bird had looked like it was very tired or old and also it looked very sick. It kept looking at me while I was photographing.
















Yesterday when I was sitting in my room suddenly my father called my children to see a bird. I went with them and saw the big bird sitting on the root of a tree. It looked beautiful but was a little carried away as the bird clawed and pecked at times. So I got close to it but took some careful photography. Even after one moved it, it would not fly. sat in the same place. It was not flying after repeated movements. Then realized it was sick and it was sitting in the same place for a long time.

Such birds are mostly seen flying in the sky which looks like they are floating in the void. But sometimes they can be seen quite pawing. Many times they take away chicks or ducklings or other birds with their paws and even during the rainy season they take different kinds of fish with their paws. Anyway it was nice to see it yesterday but a bit sad it was sick. However I left without disturbing it and it sat in the same spot for quite some time.

Although many birds live in our house. Our house has many trees and we have a pond behind us with lots of trees and there are always different birds living in those trees and especially at night a lot of birds roost. Sometimes these birds can be seen sitting on the branches at the very top of the tree. However, such birds have never been seen so closely. Birds look very scary because the claws of birds like vultures or kites are very sharp. Anyway, I enjoyed seeing the bird yesterday.


Wow, look how good looking this guy is! I've never seen a kite so close. By the way, the day before yesterday they appeared in my city, they finally arrived from the winter.

To be honest you don't get to see these types of birds very closely although this one was sick and probably had an injured wing so it didn't move from here.

What a cute little animal and how sad that it looks beaten, it looks like a wing has been cut off, maybe it escaped from captivity.
You got some nice pictures. 👍

Great photos, but I hope the poor thing recovers. There are so many hazards for wild creatures.

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