Greetings fellow hivers. Today I join @ericvancewalton's proposal Memoir Monday (Week 3), where the general idea is to condense our life story as a testimony of our passage through this beautiful and hectic world, you can expand this information by entering the first post of the project
In this third week, which is when I join us, we are invited to project ourselves into the future by answering the following question: What advice would you give to the future generations of your family? Here is my feeling and experience.
I share the idea that the future is born in today, this invaluable present where life is produced and we build the future, in this sense my future generations are already here with my children and granddaughters, for them this writing.
Dear granddaughters, the first thing I want to tell you is that I miss you, that I think of you in my daily life, that I am infinitely grateful that you are healthy, that you are well, protected and doing the things you like. I know it has been difficult for you to understand why your grandparents are not physically close, why WhatsApp, video and photos, have been, over the years, our way of getting closer and getting to know each other a little.
Yara and Maya, possibly, at their young ages, their dad and aunt will have already told them why they do not live in their country of origin, perhaps already from home they understand terms such as being migrants, working in the black, having a dual nationality or ethnic discrimination.
The reasons most people have for emigrating, especially in recent years, is that in their countries of origin they do not find possibilities for a better future due to political and economic situations.
Venezuela has not been the exception. Our political system has become abusive, restrictive, where the most basic human rights are not respected. Believe it or not, Venezuela is a country rich in minerals, water, fertile land and hardworking people and yet its population lives in critical poverty where the real possibilities for positive change are minimal. There are no official figures, but I tell you that between 2013 and 2024, the current year, it is estimated that more than seven million Venezuelans have emigrated. Among them are her father, aunt indi and uncle Ivan.
For Nathy and Isa, who are here in Venezuela, the distance and the economy have meant that we don't see each other as often as we would like. Sometimes when I think about it, it makes me laugh, because from those who live in Spain I am 10 hours away by plane and from you who are in Maturin I am 10 hours away by car. However, my face still lights up with a smile when I remember that 2023 was wonderful, since we had and created the opportunity to see and embrace each other.
From all this that I tell you I draw the first piece of advice I bring to you: Accept what we cannot change. For none of our family clan, the physical separation has been easy, but each one of us has known how to accept what we cannot change in order to find a new meaning and purpose in our lives, and this is what acceptance is all about: creating new and better circumstances to procure a greater wellbeing.
Do not stay in the lament, accept and take action looking for new ways to achieve what you want in your life.
The second piece of advice for life that I give you is to take advantage and value what the universe gives you through your parents, and I am not only referring to valuing the work of mom and dad to satisfy basic needs and whims, which in itself is enough. I am referring more to the affection and value of what it is to have a home, to have people who are committed to their well-being and who provide them with unique opportunities to develop their skills, talents and multiple abilities.

I love to see them in their individual and family activities. This represents responsibility, respect, time, dedication, commitment from everyone, so make the most of these doors that everyone is opening.
The third and final piece of advice today is to take care of yourselves. Three of you are already in adolescence, a stage characterized as conflictive, which does not necessarily have to be so, however it is a stage of challenges, doubts and awakenings. Every day you will have more independence to move and develop in the world that surrounds you.
In this world there are drugs, prostitution, delinquency and many other social scourges, the best way to protect ourselves is to choose who we are with. You already have criteria of what is good and what is bad, of those who can add to you or who can harm you. It is not that you live in alert and fear, it is that when something alerts you because it goes against your wellbeing, you should heed that call and get as far away as possible, knowing that you will always have your family to support, help and protect you.
Well, my beautiful girls, this is it for today, at some point I will continue to share with you those tips that we grandmothers are known for giving and that are part of what they call, life wisdom and that is the product of lived experiences.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Fuente de imágenes: Archivo personal

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