Deepest Anglesey, Wales, June 2023.
Having done several Time Capsules on this very same day we came upon what is named 'Tawny House’ and stared. If ‘Jonesy’s Place' was tough to enter, this could be taking today's biscuit.
There would be no giving up, no matter how many nettles were going to sting us, ‘Tawny House’ would be explored, that was a given.
This is a view from the roadside. It's barely visible, and only if you know it's there. I don't know how we managed to find it, as the internet can be non-existent in this part of Wales, and rural postcodes are quite useless. It's all down to pins, and that needs an online connection.
There was a fiddly snaking, overgrown path to the front, where we found only many boards and shutters. That was evidently not the way in, and handy paths around the house were guarded by fierce, 12-foot-high Triffids with metal spears.
@anidiotexplores ventured into the farmer's field to the left of the house and was dismayed. Nettles everywhere, thick bastards that went back as far as the eye could see.
There was only one thing for this. Even in the blistering heat of June, I was forced to wear a jacket and gloves to protect my arms and hands knowing I would be drenched in sweat, if and when we could get to the back door or windows.
There was no guarantee that 'Tawny House' would give us an audience if we managed it but we had to try it.
Trampling through deep nettles is an unsettling experience. You can never tell if your foot is unexpectedly landing in a deep hole, and then you need to re-balance.
What do you get for this? A sting on the hand and that's if you don't fall on your arse. It's fucking perilous, I tell you.
After a tentative 10 minutes trying desperately not to get stung too much the back of the house became visible.
Things were initially looking not very promising. @grindle had been here, probably years before and if he had sense, not in mid-summer at the height of greenery... and got in. That didn't mean we were going to benefit from the same result.
Easy, a big hole in a window with a nice comfy chair as a landing pad. The house meanwhile was looking to be in a terrible state. Would there be anything left, or would all the priceless historical goodies be buried under masses of rubble?
Romantic novellas! I know all about Woman's Weekly from when I was a wee lad, but the 'library' magazines I have never seen. Some were in surprisingly good condition given the house looked about to collapse in on us.
Mills & Boon always make me snort with laughter. Doctor, Nurse Romance? It's a change from 'The Italian/Greek/Turks/Spanish Big Dick' I suppose.
A nice cosy sofa complete with coverings plus a fireplace full of ash. You could stay the night, and live here so long as you never leave or become immune to nettle stings.
Yes, there’s no going in this room with those wooden stakes poised to penetrate your chest and stab you in the vitals.
Another luxurious sofa complete with reading materials. I was surprised anything was still visible in such a wrecked house. I do love Wales when it comes to Capsules and Anglesey takes the crown.
Are those what we term as ‘Big Knickers?’. I was not going to break open the seal to check further. Visitors in the future may suffer an unexpected flatulence accident; I could not live with myself by opening this pristine pack therefore despoiling them.
Was upstairs on the cards? Well, what do you think?
I climbed partially up the bottom stairs, only to be met with the same picture, only closer.
I have been known to cling on to banisters in an effort to gain the next level but as the floorboards seemed to be missing at the top, I deemed it unwise.
Crawling around on the floor just to get a particular shot is not a very popular pastime of many explorers, but I do it… sometimes.
See the sharp nails sticking out of the collapsed wooden staves. Keeping well away from them is good advice.
That is not a futuristic TV next to the vintage one, but a car door. The other parts of the car were nowhere to be seen.
The dresser is not very salvageable, with doors dropping off from all angles. This room looked more like an external one. The roof had not fared well in this part of ‘Tawny House’.
We exited with slightly more ease than our entrance. The nettles were now crushed for the moment, which made me wonder how other explorers managed to get in here.
I am under no illusions that 'Tawny House' is some kind of exclusive. I have seen it done more than once. Those nettles must be of the rapid growing type, that's it!
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