It's time to provide an update of Project ePayTraffic(#PEPT)
Our Project Economy and Ecosystem Status. Do you see an acronym? PEE Status Report. Now that is #TooFuckeh eh!
Don't mine me, my senses are more acute since the Trump Project 2025 has been in full swing. For many months I have been sharing observations of unfolding events and as prepared as I am, I am still surprised by the chaos unfolding. Where there is chaos there is opportunity. And there is no shortage of chaos in the world today.
Welcome to my world. An environment, a mindset and a determination to leave Earth in a better place than when I arrived. What I have founded and sharing with you today can only be possible because of Hive blockchain technology. For many years, I have picked away at my online business using tools and technology that often tried to make me behave in a way that was/is counter productive to my goals and objectives along my journey. Do you ever feel you work for a tool? I have worked for many tools over the years, not anymore. In all seriousness, don't you feel sometimes that technology is making you behave in a way that is not really you but you are under a lot of influence to change. Change is inevitable and necessary. Nothing that an effective Change Management System cannot handle, right? I do have experience in implementing a Change Management System. However, in a PEPT world, I call it a veridiPASS Game Plan. So lets take a closer look at our PEPT Mind Map version 2.0
veridiPASS Game Plan
In our mind map, all the colored elements are tokens except veridiPASS which is a Hive community and gaming platform project plus being a Hive account as well. So there are 6 layer 2 tokens on Hive associated with a PEPT economy and ecosystem.
The veridiPASS domain name has been owned by my company for many years.
At one time, the domain name and website provided a service for many membership site owners. I hired a coder to build me a service that would detect bots, scripts, programs and proxy server activities. As in any membership site, you are going to get some level of cheating and stealing and if you catch them they will lie. Lie, cheat and steal. Remember this cause it will come up in another section.
So I had a successful service that site owners could buy credits to access my veridiPASS checks to validate if an account was created and used by a human. Technology and life changed and fewer people were willing to pay for a value added service. So I let the domain name expire. It got picked up and used as a parked domain income stream that I had overlooked. It took me almost 3 years before I was able to register the domain once again. veridiPASS is about veridical passage.It is no longer limited to testing for a proxy server but all about providing access to a real life gaming platform.
When I say real life gaming, I mean life is a game and the play field is whatever you choose it to be. We all play in many fields. At this time I will not elaborate on the project details because there is not much detail to share at this time. Project veridiPASS has just completed its initial funding phase where it borrowed 1 million #TooFuckeh tokens from our PEPT banker account and sold the tokens on Hive open market. This demonstrated a funding use case for our TooFuckeh problem solving token. A concept that will evolve to funding other ventures including projects that partner with PEPT economy and ecosystem.
In keeping with my view that life is a game, first you learn the rules of the game and then you play better than anyone else. In this game, it is about having #FUN and the by-product of your fun is creating income streams to support your well being and of course our Hive community.
A PEPT token represents digital wealth. A PEPT account operates like a bank where it provides funding support and invest in digital wealth on Hive, other blockchains, publicly traded companies and in some business operation of FJ World Inc.
ePayTraffic - This is a Manual Traffic Exchange online business built from a licensed membership, affiliate marketing and advertising script. I have modified the script as well as its implementation to serve as a revenue sharing program. Members could buy revenue sharing units and those units are now called PEPT tokens.
ePayTrade - Before Hive was available, I had created a trading system for members to convert earnings and units to cash that was paid out via Paypal. It is my goal to integrate this trading with Hive and to guide ePayTraffic members to the Hive ecosystem. I have completed all the necessary steps that define the processes required and I manually complete transfers for ePayTraffic members that have a Hive account. This onboarding capability will be expanded to include other traffic exchange partner sites and more importantly, serving anyone that arrives organically or referred via marketing initiative or as an affiliate of an existing member. At some point, people will visit veridiPASS to access various wallets and revenue streams associated with their interest within the PEPT ecosystem.
This is our ecommerce token. Members, Hivers earn rewards that can be converted to ePay tokens. These tokesn can be traded or used to buy products and services. For example, a #PEPTEvent occurs weekly where members can complete a small task to collect Food Gold that can be converted to ePay tokens. PEPT-Earn is an account setup to manage this event as well as future Paid For Activity events. Also, the token is used to pay commission to affiliate members that help grow our PEPT business.
This is our problem solving token. It is also used as a #MEME token. Both use are consistent to identifying and bringing to attention some aspect of life that is just not quite right, needs improving, needs replacing or helps to indulge in some satire to influence positive change.
As mentioned above, the TooFuckeh token was used as a fund raising token. It can be gifted to someone that has helped you solve an issue. It can be exchanged or swapped as part of a joint venture agreement.
I have many years experience in problem solving. When I retired, in 2010, at 53, I was classified as an Information System Professional Level 4. My main role was Quality Assurance for a Project Office Group within our Information Technology division of a multi-billion dollar provincially owned electric power company. New Brunswick Power Corporation, Canada. Before that career, I did 9 years of problem solving for our Power Generation division. I was a machine doctor. I collected and analyzed machinery vibration to assess problems and predict potential failures. I have had careers in a few other disciplines and all can be connected via some form of problem solving activity or Continuous Process Improvement(CPI) initiative. I have seen much excessiveness and failure in many systems. So let us look at our token tag a little closer.
Too - Refers to excessiveness.
Fuck - Acadian version of SNAFU. Think fault or failure.
eh - Two most used letters in Canada
If you hyper focus on the middle letters you are not seeing the forest for the trees. If you pass judgement or censor me for my use of 4 letters inside a tagline, that defines your character. My purpose is to influence change in a positive way so I need to grab your attention so we can take a closer look at some obvious problems that often get overlooked.
PEPTide is a valued added token use case. The ide part refers to integrated development environment. You remember I mentioned above, our PEPTEvent where you earn ePay tokens, well, you need to hold a minimum number of tokens to activate the earned reward.
The goal is to implement services where the level of added value is based on your current token holdings. Or, to access certain content and functionality within our PEPT ecosystem or veridiPASS gaming platform. There are several ideas in the works.
This token and trading account is about extracting value from stranded assets and from chaos within systems. It is the primary trading account for all Hive layer 2 tokens of interest within a PEPT economy and ecosystem.
Qualitative Investment Strategies(QIS) used are proprietary to FJ World Inc. I have been an active trader and investor of publicly traded companies since 1980. I have developed methods and techniques that greatly enhances overall return from trading assets. Since I joined Hive in March 2023, I have invested lots of time and money playing a trading game that provides consistent profits. These profits are shared with token holders by way of paying monthly Return On Capital(ROC) to token holders.
Every month, since March 2024, I have been able to increase the ROC from the previous monthly distribution. The trading value of the token has also increased and is expected to continue to increase going forward in our journey.
Also, we now have several income streams coming into our trading account from dividend paid for holding various layer 2 tokens.
Additional income streams are being evaluated based on providing some market maker service for projects that partner with PEPT.
FJism is a token and an account that collaborates the FJ journey with the journey of other token holders. This is about collaboration and not competition. It's about building and managing relationships within our PEPT ecosystem. It's about following beliefs and principles.
Remember I mentioned lie, cheat and steal above. That is all part of the Belief and Principle component of our evolving gaming platform. I have been playing the game of Civilization for many years. So much so that it has been a positive influence on my learning and earning journey. Our veridiPASS gaming platform will benefit from knowledge gain in playing this advanced strategy game. FJism is based on the religious element of Civilization.
We now have an updated PEPT Mind Map - February 2025 v2.0 that will be pinned in our PEPT blogging community. There will be more blogs coming from my fjworld account and from other PEPT accounts. It is most satisfying to have completed our PEPT model. The model is solid and yet flexible enough to take on all the chaos that is yet to come from many unknown. Much effort has already been made in building relationships with Hivers that share similar values of interest. Many systems and processes have been implemented and will be improved based on a Plan-Do-Check-Act process improvement methodology.
The following link is to our v1.0 Mind Map.
The next update will include a set of structured links to make it easier to Learn Before You Earn from our PEPT economy and ecosystem.
May Positive pepEntropy be with you.