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RE: Curiosity can save you but sometimes it can also lead to your downfall

Sometimes, curiosity is needed but sometimes, we need limit if not, regrets calling.

Talking about the relationship scenario above, I know of a lady whose husband has another babe somewhere with a child for him...rented and furnished an apartment for the lady while the wife is still relaxing at home as the madam of the house, A pity, sometimes, people are not even sensitive about their environment or curious to know what their spouse is up to. I am sorry, as long as I don't pry into people's privacy, I do that once in a while to my, I am curious to know a lot about him and so far, no regrets..even if I find out something negative, I apply wisdom and get if sorted out.

Scam links are numerous and even if u preach against it till tomorrow, thousands of people will still fall for it because money is involved, lol...the fear of missing out wouldn't allow us rest.. hahaha


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Awww... thanks so much for the curation @friendlymoose

If only she were curious, she would know what her husband was up to.

Nice one Akonam, plz monitor him well lol but only interfere if it is going to affect you.

The same situation I faced during the paw link, but I realize the risk was more than the benefit, so I let it go xd

but only interfere if it is going to affect you

That was exactly what I did last and till date, I am happy I did .. just at the right time..!

You men ehh..una dooo 🤣