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RE: Win Streak!

Maybe a stupid question but do baseballers play soft ball and vice versa? I was thinking it may mess up your game as they are very different with regard to ball speed.


I'm gonna jump in here because I want to see if Bozz feels the same way. Generally, softball is the game played by women and amateurs at a picnic or something like that, and baseball is played by men. There is nothing stopping women from playing baseball these days but that is just how the whole thing started. Baseball can be quite complicated to play in a "pick up" sort of way because of all the gear and the ball being quite small and therefore much faster moving.

In softball the game tends to be a lot slower moving because of the underhand pitch rule and the fact that the ball is significantly larger. Oh... and the ball is not SOFT, I don't know how it got that name.

Anyone can join in a softball game because of the pitches being easier to hit.

Yes soft ball is bigger and lighter ball that is still hard and if I was going to get hit by a ball I would definitely choose a soft ball over a base ball lol. Thanks for answering the question and now I know.

You don't really see that with a few exceptions. Softball is mostly a women's sport and more of a rec thing. So, for example, you might see guys who used to play baseball playing on a rec league on the weekends or something like that. Those rec leagues are usually slow pitch or blooper ball, not the fast pitch that the ladies play.

Ok makes sense and now I know.