Así que como no conseguimos pan de perro compramos pan francés y salchicha de pollo, yo solo me comí media salchicha para no abusar.
Lave bien el tomate, la cebolla, el cilantro, la zanahoria y el repollo
Pique el repollo pequeñito y lo deje en agua con sal y vinagre por 20 minutos.
Pele y raye la zanahoria, pique el tomate en cuadritos pequeños al igual que la cebolla, también el cilantro.
Happy evening friends I hope you have had a nice weekend and have celebrated family children's day those homes where there are children, my son yesterday invited me to eat hot dog with my husband but I told him not on the street because I do not like to eat hot dogs on the street and now that I'm on a diet less, I told him I preferred to prepare them myself and he said it was fine, many people say it is not the same but I always prepare them to my taste.
So as we did not get dog bread we bought French bread and chicken sausage, I only ate half a sausage so as not to overdo it.
Wash well the tomato, onion, cilantro, carrot and cabbage.
Chop the cabbage and soak it in water with salt and vinegar for 20 minutes.
Peel and grate the carrot, chop the tomato into small cubes as well as the onion and cilantro.
Abrí mis dos panes y le puse primero la salchicha, luego bastante zanahoria, cilantro, tomate, cebolla y el repollo.
Luego le eche salsa de tomate, mostaza y una pizca de sal y pimentón picante deshidratado.
I opened my two buns and put the sausage first, then a lot of carrot, cilantro, tomato, onion and cabbage.
Then I added tomato sauce, mustard and a pinch of salt and dehydrated hot pepper.
Mi esposo se comió tres pero bien resueltos, con bastante salsa y mayonesa, por que gracias a Dios el si puede comer todo, disfrutamos mucho preparandolo a nuestro gusto y más por tenían el ingrediente mágico, el amor de nuestro hijo.
Siempre es bueno disfrutar en familia, mi esposo y yo compartimos juntos y celebramos la vida.
My husband ate three but well resolved, with plenty of sauce and mayonnaise, because thank God he can eat everything, we enjoyed preparing it to our liking and even more because we had the magic ingredient, the love of our son.
It is always good to enjoy as a family, my husband and I share together and celebrate life.
Gracias por su visita y apoyo, espero les guste mi post y se animen a preparar en su casa unos ricos perros calientes, con los ingredientes que más les gusten y verán que son más ricos.
Thank you for your visit and support, I hope you like my post and are encouraged to prepare at home some delicious hot dogs, with the ingredients that you like and you will see that they are richer.
Las fotos aquí utilizadas fueron tomadas por mi con mi celular huawei mate lite20, use Deelp traductor, imagen editada en canva, baner realizado en canva.
The photos used here were taken by me with my cell phone huawei mate lite20, use Deelp translator, image edited in canva, banner made in canva.