Have ya met @puncak-focus?
This is a fraud alert!!!
Ceci est une alerte à la fraude !!!
This is an AI generated fraud, Do NOT upvote or reblog this post!!!
Il s'agit d'une fraude générée par l'IA, ne votez PAS positivement et ne rebloguez PAS ce message !!!
This is a fraud alert!
¡Esta es una alerta de fraude!
This is an AI generated fraud, Do NOT upvote or reblog this post!!!
Este es un fraude generado por IA. ¡NO votes ni vuelvas a publicar esta publicación!

If you would like to see @brittandjosie's introduction post HERE
If you would like to see @jamerussell's introduction post HERE

INTERESTED IN DELEGATING to @theterminal or @heyhaveyamet?

Whether one has been on the blockchain for three days or three years, there are always questions! @theterminal, founded in December 2018, is a project that answers questions people have about the workings and etiquette of participating on the Hive blockchain. We answer questions about use of the Discord app, as well. A few users of Hive's 'legacy blockchain' have also sought assistance. Everyone is welcome.
Those who delegate to @theterminal will be awarded a "Terminal Supporter" badge on their blockchain profile, the "Patron" role in our Discord server, and our humble gratitude.

The sister-project to TheTerminal is @heyhaveyamet (HHYM), founded in October 2018 and still going strong. The goal of HHYM is to look through the #introduceyourself posts of those new to the blockchain and welcome the new arrivals and gather links to their introductory posts in a daily curation post. New accounts are carefully checked for effort, plagiarism, and account-farming before being featured.
Those who delegate to @heyhaveyamet will be awarded a "Terminal Supporter" badge on their blockchain profile, the "Patron" role in our Discord server, and our humble gratitude.

to learn more about either of these project blogs, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @theterminal