Coffee arriving soon.

It has been a while coming. Longer than I like. now comes the brain bashing part of getting things to work together and fine tune. Till now things have only been working on the micro scale. Tenths of a penny up to a penny a day.

It does or it doesn't. Will know on Thursday. Thursday I will be working out with the shop how things can work. Basically the shop has no idea about Hive. Does have some knowledge of Crypto, Does hold some Chronos that he showed me. So explaining everything won't be needed. But knowledge of Hive is. So if there is anything you think might be a good thing to add while talking let me know in comments.

How much comes back from each sale of a coffee I am not too bothered about. Space in the shop the energy, costs cleaning of the machine. Removal of waste empty sugar paper. Cleaning up spillage. Milk sugar cream. Catering to the needs of the project has costs too.
So how will it work?
Each coffee will have an average cost. This will be averaged by content of a purchase of coffee divided by the number of coffee's it can provide. Using the minimum as a measure. My understanding is when cappuccino is used less coffee is used, Reducing cost of coffee. Is there an increase to milk? Minor detail, but account for it.
At the end of the day this project should not have a cost to the shop. (Ideally, though might need to work up to that).
Coffee will also sell at a set price. Once the costs of all the above are totalled. It leaves a piece left over. Times this by the number of coffee sold per bag/tin/package.
The shop will obviously have the option to collect or stake to further this and future projects. If staked, it would go to the shop owners account. (Not present yet). 0.40 - 0.50 per coffee would be plenty to get things moving. With just 10 coffee sold per day that would bring a €5.00 investment back to accounts on the blockchain.

Although the purchase of HIVE or HBD would have to be done weekly or monthly. Daily might be a nuisance for the shop. Once a week or each time coffee supply is ordered.
With 200 coffee in a container. That is €100.00 each time coffee supply is ordered.
€10 will get diverted to a support account (to be created). This will be an accumulative account. This accounts growth will be used to support COLT and other projects eventually. The €10 will be turned to HIVE and powered up, Besides projects I get personally involved with. Risingstargame 3speak peakd poker if it is back again, are projects already here that would gain support through votes or proposal support.
€10 will be moved to Tribaldex and used to build a buy wall.
€80 will go to huckleberrie and power up until 2K Hive power is reached. At this point HBD will also begin to get purchased when it is below the $1.00 value.
€20 would purchase or convert to HBD.
€50 would power up,
*€10 would be converted to HBD and powered up to new account, for community purpose.
The accumulations of the tokens would be used to further future projects.

*Community purpose.
This fund would purchase items for the shop. It would sell them at cost or a loss, It is like a community rebate. You could think of it like buying x coffee gets you a free coffee. Its the same thing, almost.
Although this could not be done this year. Easter eggs, through the shop, Hive can sponsor Easter eggs Hunt's. Water balloon fights in the summer. Santa to visit at Chrimbo.