Rising Star Game.
The Gold Standard for Chain Gaming.

Feels like there is some trolling going on ha. It is entertaining to a degree. Little nit picking topics. like how much will I get back for my 50HBD over a year. Let us say you would get that back in the year. Then in the second year you should only expect very small benefits from the current 5 HBD a year sub.
On the other hand. If you only got 30 HBD back in the first year and repeated that in the second and third. You are up.
To give a fact sheet on such things is a ridicules request. Unless they are prepared to write down what all the card values will be for the next year.
As I have said with others. Members are good for the club, the more the better. The more members the harder I will have to work. Some tricks I can pull from thehive account to help the Club. That will provide short term until the Club can build its own collection of cards.
Things I have said are vague. That could be true. Or it could be a thing. One thing said does not suit all levels of play. The Club has only set in stone some of the things it will do. Anything other than providing cheaper cards gained from packs is an add on. Something added to give members more value.
Over all the account runs at a loss. More value going out to members than transactions will return. This cost incurring is member cost saving.
I am happy to increase membership and yearly fee's now. The initial members to help with their game is here.
This same concept has been shown to work on two previous projects. The RS Card Club takes a loss in providing for others to gain growth. I know that will make no sense to many. Call it the quantum effect. Not going to explain the account details and how it functions.
Just like when people first put their HIVE to the game at the start. Those who did, reap those rewards now. That took a trust in Jux.
Four people and one in the wings have put their trust in me or in the ambitions of this project.

I think it is 3.5 Million we have to spend on cards I will have to go check that. Needed another 30K. We have 3.5 Million for packs.
I guess I should go open some.
Two Legends this week.
L100 and L110.

Pack opening
That is a couple of nice Legends to add to the deck.
Cards on MART are not loading too good today.
Along with the Legends, we did pull out a few Epic cards too. For higher ranking players these cards might not be appealing. For the younger players. We have those in the vault for you. Maybe those Legends too.
A Member like Trenton. May never find a need to use the Club for a Legend card. This does give advantages to the younger players for the Legends. The Club will find alternative mans to ensure Trenton also gets his fair share of what the Club can do. To the younger members this might appear unfair. Trenton got a priority on a card. Younger members should keep in mind. They have more advantages from the Club regarding cards than a higher ranked player.
Trenton unlike younger players will probably never need to make use of the fodder cards. This means those cards have a higher frequency of availability for the younger player to grow deck numbers and fan numbers. There is a balance can be found to provide as many members as possible with the cards they want.
Take in to account the cost of a Legend card. The ability for the younger player to have the STARBITS for the card might mean to wait months for the card to be used. If Trenton Or other player in the same type position. need the Legend to fill a spot. We should let it go to them without question. Maybe giving Legends a priority to higher level players. While we move more players to that level.
While we aim to help members grow. Members should also consider how fast they grow and the actions needed to be taken to compensate. Members should be aware of growing too fast can have an Ego impact.
The Club is making progress. In a couple of moths I will begin to add some divergent mechanics to develop and provide future benefits.
Much of this is vague. It is open to discussion from members on progress. There might be contradictory things said in a post. This gave choice to members on their view of what would be best.
The basic concept is there and running. There will be no changes to that. The only changes that might be made are on future choices. Refinement of what is in place is optional on member discussion.
We are designing an alternative method to assist people on the chain with their ambitions. we just happen to be using the Rising Star Game to do so.
Having the inside scope. I am looking forward to where this project is in 6 month.

How the club works.
Some measures are employed to ensure the club is fair to all members. We do not end with a wealthy player taking all of the cards at a reduced cost.
Starting at 10%. Working on method to increase this to 25% or 30%.
Players can only reserve cards they do not have.
700K of STARBITS each week for the purchase of packs.
Rare and Common cards are referred to as fodder cards. These are available to members at a reduced cost.
Members can reserve Luck cards to improve their skill rewards from lessons. Reservations of 1K in Luck is a maximum to ensure all members can gain additional Luck.
Epic cards can also be reserved. Reservation of Epic or other non fodder cards are reserved only if a member does not have that card.
Event Crafted cards will be supplied by "thehive".
Event Mission will be available if we can get to them.
Looking at the options of buying a record at 1 HBD each.
These records would then be made available to members at a reduced cost.
Legend Cards.
Legends, we have options on. Some will come from packs. Others we have the option to purchase and hold.
Enrolment and fee's.
50 HBD. Only applies to the first year.
Yearly fee. 5 HBD. (Not applied to enrolment year).
Enrolment and yearly fee's are set at when membership begins. You keep the yearly fee you start with.
These costs will increase year on year for new members. The yearly fee will grow each year. While members retain their original fee at time of taking membership.

Card images provided by "Risingstargame".
Art work provided by @thehive using 3d Paint and Opera AI.
Rising Star.
The Game.
Twitch Stream.