Hello my lovely asean hive community,
I am @winelay and Warmly welcome to my blog. How is it going guys? Is everything OK? I hope everything OK. A week ago, I told you about picking red dragon fruit from my backyard. My small backyard is small, but my father has planted many plants there. I have a lot of plants growing in my yard, so I guess I'll just talk about plants these days. Today I'm going to talk about a strange plant in my yard.
Do you often grow other plants in your yard than the ones you planted? My dad and I found a different plant growing in my backyard last week, not the one we planted. That's the poppy plant as shown in the picture. Do you grow poppies as ornamental plants in your area? I've seen on social media that in some areas, red poppies are grown as ornamental plants.
The plants I'm describing now are not ornamental poppies. The plant I'm showing you now is the opium poppy, which is used to produce heroin, a drug that is produced in the drug industry. Don't be alarmed by what I say. We didn't plant these plants on purpose. These plants grew in our yard without us planting them. I think they came from our new natural fertilizer.
At our house, we make natural fertilizer using straw, cow dung, and household waste. We grow chili plants in plastic containers in our backyard. About 2 months ago, we used that natural fertilizer on your plants. Now, many parts of our yard have these poppies growing in flower pots.
My father removed the pots of poppy plants because some of the pots in the yard had puppy plants in them.
We didn't notice how long those poppies had been blooming, but now the poppies are quite big. As you can see in the picture, some of the plants have buds and some of the plants have flowers.
The shape of this poppy flower is that it is surrounded by 4 or 5 white petals on the outside and has small stamens on the inside. The innermost part has poppy fruits.
These poppies are not like the red poppies you see. Their petals only last for a day. The next day, the petals fall to the ground.
When the flowers are gone, the poppy's growth also accelerates.
The petals of the poppy flower shown above are sharp at the edges, unlike other petals. That's it for today. Thank you very much for reading my post to the end. Bye Bye. See you in the next post.