traciyork rebloggedjoanstewart in #hive-106316 • 8 months agoBemusedHave You Lost Your Head? Adjusting with bemused disbelief, some categorically decide think it wise to give up on themselves leaving another to take care of them clean up…traciyork rebloggeddbooster in #hive-122221 • last yearIt's Hive Power-Up Day for Jan 1st 2024 ~ Happy New Year!! (Part I)Happy New Year, everyone! It's the year of the wood dragon. Hopefully a lucky one that sees us all get rich! Most years I do a series of New Year posts for the first week…traciyork rebloggedshadowspub in #hive-109288 • last yearReflecting on 2023 and Charting the Course for 2024Today is day number 364 of the year 2023. Why am I paying attention to that? Well, for the last 364 days I’ve been working on publishing every single day straciyork rebloggedantoniarhuiz in #hive-189869 • last year[ENG-ESP] Tasty Oatmeal Raisin Smoothie // Sabroso licuado de avena con pasasI love making drinks my friends, don't you? I hope you had a happy Christmas Eve. Me encanta preparar bebidas mis amigos ¿y a ustedes? Espero que hayan tenido una feliz…traciyork rebloggedtaniagonzalez in #hive-178265 • last year[ENG/ESP] Christmas lights tour**Greetings, #dailyblog friends, today I want to share wtraciyork rebloggedcinetv in #hive-121744 • last yearCine TV Contest #91 - Christmas Time is Here!Hello CineTV Calling all movie reviewers! We need you to get involved here at Cine. Just to let you all know, the leadership of Cine is going to discuss the future of Cine…