Sublime and Beautiful Sunday the colors of nature
Good Morning and have a great day, I hope your weekend is going well
This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.
And when thinking about what to include to fit these themes today I was thinking how the fall/Autumn colors are starting to appear here, not much yet but looking forward to when the colors are full and I thought what is more sublime or beautiful than the amazing colors of nature and hence this post came to be
Now you may not something different with a few of the photos in this post compared to what I share in most of my posts, and while I leave you to ponder what that is lets get to the photos
this shot was fairly obviouslt taken in Fall at the Pond here in Buttonwood park last year, when we were fortunate to see see some gorgeous colors

Sony A7iv 40mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 400
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this also was in Buttonwood Park I belive they have an area with plenty of daffodils

Sony A7iv 200mm F6.3 1/250 Sec ISO 200
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now before this next photo lets go back to whats different in this post, and that is a fair few of the photos are not on early morning walks which most of my walks are, but some of these including the first couple are taking during day time walks , or course shots of the color of nature particularly flowers and fall colors dont stand out that mush when taken in the dark before sunrise
but this next shot is one from an early morning walk in Lakeville MA morning blues and lovely greens

Sony A7iv 20mm F8 10 Sec ISO 100
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and speaking of greens who doesnt love the lush rich colors of the greens especially just after recent rainfall when the colors of the greens seems to me to really shine

Sony A7iv 50mm F5.6 1/320 Sec ISO 100
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of course being me when speaking of the colors of nature I had to include at least one sunrise image

Sony A7iv 17mm F8 1.60 Sec ISO 100
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I forget what these flowers are called I.m thinking echinops but i could well be wrong but whatever there called i love the color of this one

Sony A7iv 171mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 1600
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