Good morning to my friends who are always loyal and active here❤️❤️, I hope they are always protected by God Almighty.
Today I am back here again, to show you some very beautiful photos of Nuansa Beach.
Last night my friend and I went to Nuansa Beach, to enjoy its beauty at night, I went with my friend after tarawih prayer.
I took some photos of the road when I went to Nuansa Beach. I stood on a bridge that I passed and took some very detailed photos.
My journey to this beach took about 2 hours from my village, I spent time at Nuansa beach until the beach closed, because this beach also has closing hour regulations.
Not long after that, I arrived at the beach, and I saw lots of people enjoying the beautiful scenery of Nuansa Beach, maybe these people were enjoying the beach, there were also those who visited this beach, to break their fast on this beach while enjoying the scenery.
The first thing I did when I arrived at the beach was to look for a safe place to sit, then order food and drinks while enjoying the beauty of the beach.
After waiting quite a while, the food and drinks I ordered arrived and we immediately started eating them.
When I was about to eat my food, I took some photos beside me with a group of people who looked very happy, with their families, and some with their partners, I took some of these photos to display here with you, so that my friends can see for themselves how beautiful the view is in this place at night.
After finishing eating and drinking with friends, I went straight down to the beach to enjoy its beauty up close at night. It turned out that the atmosphere was very pleasant with a very soft breeze, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
I took some photos from the edge of the beach, where the cafe nuance was very clearly visible.
then I immediately walked along the beach, and on the beach there were also people taking pictures, I took my cellphone again to take some photos of the beach atmosphere at night, so that we could watch together with some photos of cafes with a beach feel, which I show here with all of you.
My friend also asked me to take some photos of her on the beach, it turned out that the appearance of her photos at night was very cool, my friend also didn't want to be outdone by the woman next to her who was also taking pictures, she also asked me to take her photos on the beach.
It turns out that this beach is really very pleasant at night, and brings extraordinary peace and tranquility, everything on this beach really entertains me and my friends, maybe next time I will return to this beach to enjoy the beauty of the beach at night, it is really very pleasant, and I hope you can be entertained too.
Without realizing it, when we were busy playing on the beach, the cafe was about to close, and we decided to go home, even though in my heart, I already felt very comfortable in that place, and didn't want to go home.
Ah, never mind, what else can I do, I immediately paid for the food and drinks that had been ordered, after that I asked my friend to take some pictures of me before going home, I was standing in a very beautiful place like a wedding hall.
The decoration and lights in this place are amazing, I really enjoyed it, guys can see for themselves how beautiful this place is, the cafe lights have a beach feel.
All the photos of the beach-themed cafes that I show you above, I took using a camera...
Camera used | ponsel redmi note 7
| - | - | Traveling
F-stop | -
Iso speed | ISO
Focal length | MM
Photography | Landscape
Photographer | @suarlex
This is me @suarlex on the hive blog, my real name is samsuar, I am a #photographer, who likes exploring forests, looking for interesting insects, I also like traveling, and telling stories about what I find.
That's all I can tell about me and my friends while enjoying the beauty of Nuansa Beach at night, hopefully you are entertained by the presence of some photos that I show with you here.