Good night to all my beloved hive friends ♥️
Because of the many tourist attractions that I have managed to visit in the city of Banda Aceh, I almost forgot about my visit to a park called Bustanussalatin which was holding a big event called the Studentpreneur Festival which was held on the 15th-16th.
Studentpreneur Festival is a competition festival attended by kindergarten children who participate in many activities such as dance competitions, quiz competitions and several other competitions, and of course this is a big festival because it has succeeded in presenting several big artists in Aceh, besides that this festival is also a charity activity carried out by the participants by selling the work of kindergarten children to visitors so that the money can be donated to people in need.
Of course, many visitors come to this festival because they want to see their children participating in the event, even I was willing to spend almost two hours at this festival just to watch this show.
And what makes me very interested in this festival is because in this festival there is also a traditional costume competition, as we all know in Indonesia there are 34 provinces and each province certainly has its own customs and culture and I can see that in this festival, and what is extraordinary is that the participants are kindergarten children.
Even important figures in Banda Aceh City were present to watch this performance and at the same time provide encouragement and motivation to the nation's children. In addition, in this festival there are also many people selling and that is a benefit for them.
And during break time I immediately took the time to explore this festival until I stopped again because I saw there was a painting competition.
I don't know exactly how many kindergartens participated in this competition, but I certainly saw a lot of performances, which means many kindergartens participated. The teachers kept an eye on their students, while the students' job was to give their best.
After feeling satisfied watching this performance, I immediately decided to leave the festival and immediately walk around Bustanussalatin Park again. Bustanussalatin Park is a park located right in the center of Banda Aceh, formerly this park was called Taman Sari and has now changed its name to Bustanussalatin Park which means the garden of the kings.
The park is very large and the festival is held right in the middle of the park, so there are still a lot of empty spaces in the park, and to make sure I kept walking to explore it.
Arriving at the end of the park, I managed to find a building with beautiful architecture, but my position was still behind the building, so I immediately walked towards the front.
It turns out that in front of this building there is also a playground and many chairs are provided which are very useful for visitors.
Before resting, I first wanted to explore this building first, because this building itself has two floors and my curiosity was directed to the second floor.
And it is very easy to get to the second floor because we only need to climb the stairs that are right in the middle of this building. I did not count the number of steps, but certainly not too many and not too few.
Of course, with this number of steps, it didn't make me tired of climbing them, but the very hot sunlight made me a little dazzled because the stairs and floor of this building are made of ceramics that can reflect sunlight.
And when I arrived at the second floor, I didn't find anything valuable or worthwhile, there was only an empty floor with some chairs and tables which were also made of concrete.
However, one thing that satisfied me when I was on the second floor was that I could see a beautiful view, even the grandeur of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque building could also be seen from the top of this building.
So I can realize some things like the location of this park is not too far from the location of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque. However, the very hot sun made me unable to stay long on the second floor, so after capturing every beauty from above, I immediately rushed down, and these stairs are the only way to get up to the second floor, according to what I know.
And when I went down these stairs I managed to see again a monument that was right in front of this building. Initially my intention after going down from this building was to rest, but because I saw the monument I decided to approach the monument first.
Not enough from just one side, I also chose to go around this monument so I could photograph this monument from several different angles.
Huff finally made it, my next task is to find a suitable chair and take a rest right away Lol.
While sitting suddenly a man came up to me and we immediately chatted together, in the chat I had time to ask about the beautiful places in the city of Banda Aceh, and I managed to get information about several tourist attractions in the city of Banda Aceh that I had not visited, namely Lhoknga Beach and Lampuuk Beach, those are two tourist attractions that are beach genre. Hearing the names of the two places I immediately searched for more detailed information via Google and it is true that both beaches are very beautiful especially if visited in the afternoon because the charm of the sunset can be seen clearly from the edge of the beach, but until now I have never visited both places especially since the distance is quite far from the center of Banda Aceh, but that is my next destination when I return to travel to the city of Banda Aceh.
Well, those are some pictures and stories from me in this post, I really hope that this post can provide entertainment for all of my friends. All of these pictures are purely my own, I took this picture using an Infinix 10 Pro cellphone and edited this picture using the Lightroom application.