Hello all Bloggers
Hi guys..! How are you all, I hope all you are well.
In this drawing I have made Butterflies,🦋 In the previous post I drew Fast food, I am very happy to see that you all like my drawing very much and gave me good feedback. 😍
The idea of the drawing I have taken from the internet, if you want to see it, click here.
- Sketch Pencil
- White Paper
- Eraser
- Black Pointer
- Marker Colors
So guys now let me tell you how I made these butterflies. 😁 I made two butterflies in the drawing, First I made a sketch of a butterfly which is one sided meaning only one side is visible. 😄
After completing the first butterfly sketch I made the second butterfly sketch I used white paper and sketch pencil to make these butterflies sketches, 📝 these butterflies were very easy so I made their sketches in 10 minutes. 🤗
Now it was the turn to color in the butterflies I have used Marker colors to color in it. I love these colors because they are very bright🌈 so I started coloring in one butterfly first I took blue color 💙 and filled it in both sides of the first butterfly's wing 🪽 and then I took a parrot color and filled it in the abdomen of the butterfly.
Then I took the orange color 🧡 and filled it on both sides of the rest of the wings and then lastly I took the pink color 🩷 and filled it in the lower wings so I filled colors in the first butterfly completely, it looks very cute and attractive 🥰 because the colors I filled in it are very heart touching.
Now it's time to add color to the second butterfly To color this butterfly first I used red color ♥️ which I filled in the top part of its wings, The wings of this butterfly are very amazing because they have beautiful designs. 🤩
I have filled the abdomen of this butterfly with different colors including brown and purple colors, 💜 after that I have filled the lower part of the rest of the wings with yellow color 💛 in the design, so coloring of my other butterfly is also completed and you can see how cute and beautiful these two butterflies look. 😘
To make it more visible and clear I highlighted its lines with a black pointer. You will notice that highlighting with black pointer makes it look more prominent and looking better. ❣️
As you can see now all the process of my drawing is completed, it is completely finished and I am looking very good at it. 🫠
Final Look: 💕💫
I hope you like my drawing of this Butterflies, 🦋I look forward to your feedback. Thank you very much for viewing my previous posts and giving good feedback. 😻
Until next post, lots of love, prayers and Good Byee.. 💞✨