sunshine29 in #hive-189869 • yesterdayRE: The Best Drinkslover Lion (Week 50)Always welcome lovely 🥰💕. Enjoy your week.ramisey in #hive-108045 • 8 days agoRE: Unpleasant experiences (Esp/Eng)Gracias mi bella, claro, eso es lo más importante. Comer bien en un comercio no significa que siempre nos tocará la misma suerte 😝😅yzamazing in #hive-152524 • 15 days agoRE: Onward Coffee: A Hidden Gem in Lahug You Need to VisitI couldn't agree more. Love the strong kick on the capuccinno. 😍amazingdrinks in #hive-189869 • 19 days agoRE: Cheers to Us! # 81 (Weekly Amazing Drinks Curation)You're welcome @milik80cjmorillo in #hive-152524 • 21 days agoRE: Having a coffee in Lapanetteria >> [🇺🇸]Yes the coffee as well as the side dish were delicious, and with the internet I was able to make the transaction much faster, as well as relax looking at things on the internet.…ramisey in #hive-11800 • 22 days agoRE: A special birthday gift (Esp/Eng + Sub Eng)Esos platos, vasos y cubiertos son perfectos para los bebés, a mí me encantó el material del que están elaborados. Además, los diseños estaban hermosos, así que todo salió…sunshine29 in #hive-120586 • 22 days agoRE: The Best Foodie Lion (Week 82)You are welcome lovely beauty 🥰💕ramisey in #hive-11800 • 28 days agoRE: A successful payment (Esp/Eng + Sub Eng) Siempre encontramos buenos descuentos 😅. Pagar con HBD es genial, estamos libres de comisiones y somos felices. Vamos por más compras 🛒. Saludos, bella.