Hearing But Not Listening. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive10 days ago

Those who choose to go after idols are those who are suffering from the defects of not hearing what God is saying. The idols do not see, so those who worship them are like unto them. They have ears but do not hear. They have eyes but do not see. Those who put their trust in them are like them. They have eyes but could not see. They possess ears but they can't hear.

The Bible has presented to us the true God. He is clearly manifested before us. We are his offspring. Why should we choose to believe in what we do not know? Why should we turn our back against the living God? He alone is God; there's no one besides Him.

They people of the world are living their lives against the purpose of God. They are engaging in sinful activities because they have chosen to reject God. The world runs after vanity. They are blind like their idols. They are deaf like their idols.

It is wise to turn to God and obey His commandments. When you follow God, he will enlighten you by His word.