marialeovalless in #hive-163772 • 11 months agoCORNERS around Gabriel Garcia Márquez Cultural Center - Famous LibraryA fabulous place, the first thing I found on the tour were these statues of reference inmarialeovalless in #hive-163772 • 11 months agoCHURCH in the colonial center - Bogota, Colombia.|SAN FRANCISCO CHURCH,BOGOTA,COLOMBIA|marialeovalless in #hive-155530 • last yearA totally different WEDNESDAY🌳 I TOOK ADVANTAGE AND TOOK PICTURES ENJOYING THE FOREST AND PARK, WHERE I WAS WORKING FOR A WILE AND TOOK A TIME TO ENJOY THE PARK AND TAKE PICTURESmarialeovalless in #hive-152524 • last yearHaving FUN / the place where you can bike..jpeg](marialeovalless in #hive-163772 • last yearMy FAVORITE place to start an adventure AEROPORT - In love!![image00008 (13).jpeg](marialeovalless in #hive-163772 • last yearTake a walk and know the Loudes CATHEDRAL and square around.![image00034.jpeg](marialeovalless in #hive-147010 • last yearHAPPY hour, nuestro bogota MALL.![cltykpzyp005r5sszhqr3bu6x_image00002_7.webp](marialeovalless in #hive-147010 • last yearBIRTHDAY VIBES / Celebrating my birthday - WISHES coming true.![clsv8pvtx01qp61sz615d8dsa_image00001_3.webp](marialeovalless in #hive-147010 • last yearEl LABORATORIO de CAFE / Special places ![clsr2jfnw016192sz7ybm2pvy_image00012.jpegadas.webp](marialeovalless in #hive-147010 • last yearLOOKING the best COFFEE for my BREAKFAST! ![clsjtz1xn00027tsz7rz63g0b_image00005.jpeghi8.webp](marialeovalless in #hive-147010 • last yearAMOR PERFECTO / A Lovely coffee store! 💕![clsfkn5vi008w6dsz9b043uxh_image00005.webp](marialeovalless in #hive-158694 • last yearPRETTY ART / Mochi get precious with lashes! Desde el principio de mis tiempos el arte siempre ha sido una manera muy extraordinaria de expresión donde lo colores y sus combinaciones toman protagonismo para la creación de…