Enjoy regardless of age/Disfruta sin importar la edad

in #ecency9 days ago


These ladies are having fun, they joke, they are happy, I like to observe this, when I pass by the nursing homes I see the complete opposite, people sitting, locked up, with their heads bowed, something regrettable, some son visit them, others simply pay the monthly fee, they forget that it is because of these elderly people that they are in this world... I wish you a happy night.

Estas señoras se divierten, bromean, están felices, me gusta observar eso, cuando paso por los asilos veo todo lo contrario, gente sentada, encerrada, con la cabeza gacha, algo lamentable, algunos hijos los visitan, otros simplemente pagan la cuota mensual, se les olvida que es por estos ancianos que están en este mundo... Les deseo una feliz noche.

La foto è mia scattata con il cellulare SAMSUNG S20FE

The photo is mine taken with the SAMSUNG S20FE cell phone.
