Happy " #aliveandthriving Tuesday evening" To You!
And, Thank You so much for your visit!
So friends, this is an #aliveandthriving 24hrs, as this starts yesterday and ends this afternoon - so maybe 36 hours!
I promise to keep it as short as possible!
So yesterday morning started like this, with the Moon in the Sky,
Another view, through the trees -
Then I drove over to the "old house" to feed the Kitties. I also saw a "Goldfinch"(?) In a tree, a sure sign that for here "Winter is over"!
And the Sun coming up,
Then after I got home I rode over to the Park. This is the Shoreline,
And when I was leaving I saw the "Willet"...
It's still waiting for it's friend the Egret,
That's a friend! I hope it comes back, the Willet looks lonely,
(*enlarged from previous photo)
Later on this afternoon I rode back over to the Park. I did not see the Willet or Egret, so I hope they flew together some place.
Though I did see a few Seagulls flying,
And also got a view of the Breeding Pond,
And this Seagull that flew overhead. It is almost out of the frame - but I decided to include it anyways!
And, that was it for my #aliveandthriving Tuesday!
I also want to thank you again for your visit and,
I am Wishing you a Very Blessed, Happy, and Safe, Mid-Week!
All images property of @lesmann
No Commercial Reproduction of any kind without written permission.