karlex77 rebloggedmamaemigrante in #hive-131665 • last monthRené ZZ, the youtuber who turned his tattoos into a way of life / René ZZ, el youtuber que hizo de sus tatuajes un modo de vida In the world of tattooing, we see incredible designs, amazing tattoo artists, and endless items that serve to make magic on the skin of those whokarlex77 rebloggedproposalalert in #hive-167547 • 4 months agoCritical surgery for GilliattCritical surgery for Gilliatt @mayifiestas created a proposal asking for a daily pay of 2333.000 HBD for a total of 34995 HBD. The funds will be paid to the account…karlex77 rebloggedyolimarag in #hive-108045 • 5 months ago[ESP-ING] Celebrating my niece's birthday ▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hive Open Mic, week 226 thiskarlex77 rebloggedmayorkeys in #hive-105786 • 8 months agoHive Open Mic Week 224 - Give me Freedom (Cover)▶️ Watch on 3Speak Hello music lover, i am happy to be here again after somkarlex77 rebloggeddbooster in #hive-165757 • 8 months agoBirthday Drawing and a Gift From My SonI don't submit to this group often, but this post is related to fatherhood (see below, under the first half of the post) so I think it might fit. It's now eleven days past my…karlex77 rebloggedchinay04 in #hive-108045 • 8 months agoHaving a dinner with family on weekend at river/coastside of my city.Greetings everyone! Here we go today with another blog something special, as it is an weekend so me and my all family members have decided to have a dinner together outside. As…karlex77 rebloggedelbuhito in #hive-196487 • 9 months ago(Esp/Eng) ¡El búho maldito: es más que solo un peluche!▶️ Watch on 3Speak .jpg](karlex77 rebloggedjimmy.adames in #hive-147010 • 9 months agoEet by Maneet at Disney Springs▶️ Watch on 3Speak ![esp-eng.jpg](karlex77 rebloggedtejimundo in #hive-165757 • last yearNuestros hijos y los retos escolares [ ESP– ENG ]Hola hermosa comunidad de madres y padres de la colmena, el día de hoy quiero hablar de los retos educacionales para nuestros hijos y también para nosotros como padres. Para…