I love games and eSports so I want to share with all of you my favorite posts and I hope you like them too. If so, give them a vote of confidence to support their hard work.
The selection will not be limited to a single tribe but will encompass many different ones. It will also be varied in topics whether they are pure publications, contests or NFTs. And of course both in written format and in videos.
This is the selection of 2 articles that I found most interesting today.
Día de Fusión en NEONSTRIKE // Fusion Day in NEONSTRIKE [ESP-ENG] by @alicia2022
Como he mencionado en oportunidades anteriores, el juego Neon Strike es un juego Click to Earn que se encuentra en la red de Hive y está desarrollado por el equipo de Midnight Studio.
Tutorial Blender: Pokeball [Esp/Eng] by @rowell
Hoy realicé otro tutorial de Blender hablado en español. La verdad es que hace mucho no me dedicaba aprender o reforzar cosas del programa, y gracias a
The games discussed in these posts are for mere entertainment. Investing in games with NFTs carries high risks. You are responsible for conducting your own research before investing.