My oldest daughter has been a great big sister these past few weeks. As dad is working and mom is managing the house, there are gaps in availability for the littlest one. Thankfully her big sister is practicing her "mommy skills" by taking care of baby for long stretches of time. She holds her, plays with her, talks with her, walks her around.
Even plays the piano with her!
What I find amazing, is that baby is imitating her by placing her hands on the keys, imitating the playing action. She's only 7 months old! I wonder what she'll be playing in a few years. I don't know if she has musical talent, but certainly musical interest! Baby likes to sing. She doesn't say any (clear) words, but she sings and sings.
Observing the development of baby and the maturity of my oldest daughter is a delight for me. I'm grateful to see my daughter (who was my baby not that long ago) stepping up to make the household run better.
When I started this blog, my oldest was only 4 years old! Now she's twelve and quickly becoming closer and closer to being an adult. What sort of adult will she be?
My oldest also feeds baby breakfast. Although my youngest is learning to feed herself, she still enjoys being fed. Especially when big sister does it. Sort of like a 2nd mom!
As I was writing this post, baby woke up from her nap crying. Who walks is, but her big sister. Picks her up and she not only stops crying, but smiles really really big.
So grateful for my Daughter! I think baby is grateful too.
Bless the Most High!