Hi great and wonderful hivians, welcome to a brand new week. Hopefully everything goes according to plan, HAVE A NICE WEEK AHEAD Planting season is here again. It's very important to plant some crops either in your home garden, or commercial farming. This is also season of some fruits, and vegetables such as mango fruits, pawpaw, and Avocado pears. We harvested some Avocado pears.
This one right here is in the process of ripping, when it is completely ripe the whole pear 🥑 becomes completely dark. You can see dark spots on this Avocado pear, because it is in the process of ripping.
Is Avocado Pear a vegetable or a fruit? Let's hear your answer on the comment section.
Planning our day, week, month or year is very crucial, because if we don't plan, we plan to fail.
I planned out my week like this:
**Engage with post every day of the week, starting from today MONDAY.
TUESDAY: post curation/Stake,alive
WEDNESDAY: Engagement with other post./ Burn alive token
Post Engagements till Sunday
Thanks a lot for stopping by. For comments and suggestions please use the comment section.