Exhausted from a tiring day at work, I pass through several streets on my way home.
In my head, the tension from daily duties is slowly decreasing.
I try to clear my mind and forget all the situations that caused me worry at work.
I hear birds chirping on the bare tree branches.
It has warmed up a lot in the last few days and it seems like spring is approaching.
Ugh, so maybe I've become meteoropathic?
Well, my mood is affected by the sudden change of weather, maybe that's why I'm so weak 🤔 and maybe I just need something to refresh me?
Oh, it's impossible that spring is already at the door.
How can it be spring now, when tea is drunk and the topic of the collecting community for March is "Messages on my tea bags"?
Tea somehow goes well with cold weather and winter.
And maybe that is a wrong philosophy, with which other people who enjoy it would not agree?
I know that in the Arabic world, tea is drunk in the hottest part of the day. Strong and sweet mint tea, the best thirst quencher when you are at +40 °C.
However, I don't consume it when the days are so hot.
Spring is here after all.
It is clear from the shoots of buds on the branches of those same trees where the birds that make walking through the streets pleasant with their song.
While I'm sorting my thoughts, do I have any tea bags that have some motivational messages or quotes on them, I wonder if the tea bags I have at home could be called a collection?
And even if there are no quotes on them.
They probably could, because all the tea bags we don't use up in the hotel rooms we stay in, we take home as a souvenir. We drink some, and some stay permanently in the box.
As I mentioned before, I drink tea regularly when the weather is colder.
Every morning at work, the equipment for making this drink is waiting for me.
Mint tea, a totally organic product, bought in an herbal pharmacy, prepared without sugar, is what hydrates my body in the morning.
I sometimes drink this other tea, made from nettle leaves, because it is good for regulating the blood sugar level, which is sometimes increased due to stress.
When I'm home, it's a different story. I drink tea bags at home.
Whether they were bags that we collected from hotels, whether they were bags bought in supermarkets.
Winter is just passing by and my tea supply is still not used up.
I've been combining Teekanne winter tea flavors with fruit teas as well as mint tea all winter long.
In the beautiful wooden box where we keep the bags, I have a nice collection of different teas, fruit, green, black...
I rarely drink strong black and green teas, but that's why fruit and mint teas are regularly in my cup.
That box contains teas from our travels.
The last time, it was Spain, when I took a few bags home from the hotel.
I also have a very dear memory of the boxes of English tea, which contain three types of the rarely prepared beverage.
English breakfast tea, English afternoon tea and London tea.
The boxes are a gift from my father, which he brought me when he was in England visiting my brother, and I use every opportunity to ask my friends to bring me refills for these small boxes from England.
In addition to tea, they often bring me biscuits from England, so I can enjoy a delicious biscuit with a cup of hot tea.
So today, after returning home from work, I made myself a fruit tea, put a piece of biscuit next to the cup, sat back in the armchair and wrote this post in which I present my collection of teas.
You could say I've missed the point by featuring the bags that don't have messages on them, but no, now I'm not going to call this a post of the month of March 😀
This is a post about tea, fueled by tea bags with messages on them 😀
And as for the topic for March, I will choose some motivational messages or quotes from my calendar, which every night sends me to bed and every morning brings some new wisdom to think about.
There are a lot of interesting thoughts on that calendar in the month of March.
Maybe even more than on the Yogi tea bags presented to us by Mipiano 🙂
I will see which will be the most interesting for me in the coming days. I will definitely share them with you, so stay close, listen for new stories, my dear Hive collectors.