One of my favorite strategies in Splinterlands is to use the Lily Shieldpaw summoner along with a good defense in the first position and abilities and healing.
Since I started playing Splinterlands again, this is one of the strategies I use the most in my battles and most of the time I manage to come out victorious. This was not a strategy that I created, I observed it through battles of the players at the top of the leaderboard and I really liked it.
To better explain how the strategy works, I will demonstrate it through a battle.

Link to the Battle
This battle will be a great example because in addition to perfectly showing how the strategy works, it was very fun to watch.
I will start by explaining the function of each card that I used in the battle.
Lily Shieldpaw - This was the summoner I selected for the battle and its function will be to increase the life of all my monsters by +1 and grant them the Camouflage ability.
- The Camouflage ability leaves the monster "hidden" in battle and it will only become a target of attacks when it is in the first position, with the exception of monsters with the Scattershot ability because they attack randomly.
Lily Shieldpaw also has the Triage ability and this means that it will heal my backline monster that suffered the most damage.
Almo Cambio - This was the monster I selected to defend in the first position and even though it has no attack, it is an excellent defense because it has a lot of life and also has a good chance of dodging attacks.
Oshuur Constantia - This monster will be my first support for Almo Cambio, it has the Tank Heal ability and this means that it will heal the monster positioned in the first position 1x per round.
Chaos Dragon - This monster will be my biggest source of damage in this battle and it will help me defeat my opponent's backline.
- The Chaos Dragon has the Blind ability and this means that it will decrease the chances of enemy monsters hitting their attacks by -15%. This is a great ability to have in this battle because it will help Almo Cambio dodge attacks more easily.
Psychic Goblin - This monster is my second support for Almo Cambio in this battle, it has the Tank Heal ability.
- The Psychic Goblin will decrease the magic attack of enemy monsters by -1 while it is in battle.
Night Reaper - This monster is my second biggest source of damage in this battle and its main target will be enemy monsters that have the Flying ability, it will also deal +2 damage against these monsters.
Scale Doctor - This monster has low attack but is very useful because it will increase the life of all my monsters by +1, decrease the armor of enemy monsters by -2 and also heal my monsters with the Triage ability.
This is one of the combinations I use the most when the battle has a lot of mana available and the only certainty I can say is that my victory rate with this strategy is higher than 60%, even in the Champion league.

I love creating new strategies for my battles in Splinterlands and every day I learn something new about a monster that I can use to improve my strategies.
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