Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about how nice it was seeing a good night sleep recently!

The Little Things
Sometimes it's the little things in life..
For the last few years, my son has had some issues over the winter. The poor kiddo has gotten hit by quite a few sinus issues and infections. We had to give him antibiotics for the first time a few years ago and that really bothered us, specifically me, because of how much damage it does to the immune system. There are plenty of studies in recent years where repetitive antibiotics for kiddos is really bad for them later on in life. There are certainly times where it's needed, but avoiding that with other methods as much as you can is a much better way..
The spring, summer and early autumn things would go back to normal and life was good. Then the late fall and winter came around and those nasty things came back. Little fuckers! Lol.
One of the things we realized seeing a new doctor for some stuff recently, was that one of the most likely culprits for this type of shit was the gluten in our diet that was causing the issues, and he was reacting in an allergy fashion. So many things clicked together and finally made sense!
Gluten, specifically the American, Frankenstein-esque disgusting modified to the high heavens gluten, does all kinds of nasty shit to the body. It opens pores in the intestinal lining which lead to a whole host of other systemic issues. For my poor little dude this was causing some havoc for him and we really didn't know the root cause until that conversation.
Once we started eliminating gluten from his diet, so many things improved! He was not getting crazy sinus infections anymore, although he would still have a bit of a runny nose, it was manageable and that was the best part. When we were VERY strict on it and didn't consume any gluten product for 2 or 3 weeks, my son finally to breathe through his nose completely clear at night.. damn that hit me right in the feels, even still as I'm writing it!
As a parent, when we see our kid(s) struggling with things, it really hits you in a different way if you are one that actually cares about your kid. When we can make modifications and improvements to situations so that the kid gets a big benefit like actually breathing again for the first time in seemingly months, holy crap it's such a good feeling, and even they feel it themselves.
Of course the big challenge with this stuff is certainly how difficult it is to stay entirely away from gluten in the American world we live in.. we even had an issue at school where his teacher said "that's not really a gluten allergy" and holy shit did that piss me off! It's not like I was saying he was allergic to blue crayons or some shit, but something as common as a gluten allergy is and they are going to try to pull shit like that. That was pretty frustrating for me, but I'm keeping that nasty comment in my back pocket.. lol
Now the trick is.. trying to figure out how to prepare things as much as possible so that we don't have to deal with gluten!
What about you, do you have situations where you see a great improvement with your kiddo and makes you breathe a sigh of relief? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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