Under this scatological name I discovered a fun game during a visit to a neighbor's house where a 5-year-old boy was playing this game.
The game consists of a reproduction of a toilet and a plunger.
With a smiling reproduction of a poo.
Additionally, there is a random variable which is a dice.
And tokens that have to be won.
How to play
The game consists of placing the plunger on the toilet and operating the lever on the cistern so that the die comes out of the side with the number of clicks to be applied to the plunger. The die has 3 options for the number of flushes (1, 2 or 3 flushes).
When the number of strokes reaches a certain number, a mechanism is activated that propels the poo out of the top of the toilet.
The propulsion is violent, and you have to catch the poo before it falls on the table.
And if you catch it before it falls on the table, you win two tokens.
The champion is the one who gets the most tokens out of the total amount that comes with the game.
Definitely fun.