I feel like a lot of times I talk about all the traveling and busyness that @mrsbozz and I experience on an average weekend. You would honestly think our lives are a lot more exciting than they actually are if you were to just go off my blog posts. The truth is, they really aren't that crazy and as proof of that, I thought I might share with you what a typical weekend looks like for my wife and I when we aren't running around the state or region watching our nieces and nephews play sports.
After we got out of work on Friday evening, we drove about half an hour to get to one of the nearby towns to pick up our groceries. Before Covid, we used to spend Friday's after work walking through the store and shopping ourselves. Since Covid, we have learned several things. Number 1; We prefer to spend our time at home rather than fighting rude and self centered people with zero situational awareness in the stores. Number 2; People suck (see number 1). Finally, we have found that we spend less money when we have our groceries delivered or we pick them up.
By the time we get out of work, we are often hungry and things tend to find their way into our cart that we otherwise wouldn't normally buy. That happens much less now that we don't walk the store. Costco on the other hand is a different story!

After picking up the groceries, we decide to hit a local pub near our house to get some dinner. Typically we get a take out order and eat it at home, but even with the place just being down the road, your fries tend to get soggy as well as whatever else you ordered.
With Lent right around the corner (even though I don't really celebrate it), my mind has been drifting towards fish frys, so I was more than happy to suggest this particular place.

My wife got her regular Captain Morgan Spiced Rum and Diet Coke, while I got this delicious Vanilla Java Porter from Atwater Brewing frm down in Detroit, MI. Actually, I think they may have gotten bought, but I am not sure. It's highly likely it wasn't produced in Detroit. @cryptictruth probably knows for sure.

We also got an appetizer of deep fried cheese curds. Like I said, we were starving after getting out of work, so we demolished them pretty quickly.

@mrsbozz decided to get this shredded chicken quesadilla with grilled onions and peppers in it. I had one of the wedges from her leftovers later that night and it was quite delicious.

As you can see, they do a really good job of filling it and balancing the flavors. I would definitely not hesitate to get one of these if I was in the mood for Mexican. Like I said though, I had my mind on fish. Perch to be more specific.

You can't see the chips/fries because they are buried under the fish, but trust me they were there. This place recently changed from the fries they used to serve to these more wedge style fries and I am still not sure if I am okay with that. Their old fries were really really good. The perch was excellent as usual. They use a very light breading to keep it from being too heavy. Perch is a pretty light fish to begin with, so you don't want to overwhelm it.
After paying our bill which was about $80 after tax and tip (it's crazy how expensive eating out is these days), we headed home, unloaded the groceries, and sat down to watch some TV. We finished up the second season of "The Recruit" on Netflix and started watching the latest season of "Will Trent". The Recruit is a really good show if you haven't checked it out.

Saturday we got up and @mrsbozz cooked me this amazing breakfast of sunny side up eggs, fresh ground breakfast sausage from our local butcher, and sourdough toast. It was amazing. I know the eggs don't really look sunny side up, but she has gotten really good at cooking them to perfection, even if the presentation is a bit lacking.
We then proceeded to start laundry and clean the house which took most of the morning. The cleaning I mean. Laundry takes all weekend.
I was waiting to get a call to see if I needed to head into work since our fiber went down on Friday, but luckily I got to stay home. After lunch, @mrsbozz went to the bedroom to take a nap and I spent some time finishing up "Agatha All Along".

I also spent a little bit of time in the afternoon reading this book that I have been waiting for my wife to finish reading. I also spent some time chatting with @slobberchops in Discord. When she finished her nap, we continued to watch the latest season of "Will Trent", and I got the grill started for our dinner.

I'll be writing a full post about this later, but I grilled a couple turkey breasts over the weekend for us and my brother in law. Saturday evening/night was spent watching more TV and swapping out the laundry whenever it needed it. @mrsbozz also did her regular meal prep for the coming week. I helped out by making sure the dishes got clean after she finished with them.

Sunday morning we woke up and I had some french toast sticks along with the left over sausage. I then got ready and headed to my brother in laws to drop of the turkey I smoked the day before. After that, I headed over to my parents. If they had planned on going to church, I would have met them there, but they decided to stay home this weekend, so I went to their house and visited for a bit.
When I got home, @mrsbozz and I had lunch before hitting the couch to catch the Michigan State/Wisconsin basketball game. The rest of the evening we just played around on our devices, had dinner, and watched some TV before heading to bed.
I know it might seem lame, but with all the running we do sometimes, I really appreciate weekends like this where we just don't have that much going on.
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