Today is a pretty important day for folks who are interested in crypto. Well, it could be. I guess it all depends on how things play out for the big "Crypto Summit" that is being held at the White House today. We already had some big news last night with the executive order pertaining to a US strategic Bitcoin reserve. However, so far that seems to have been a "sell the news" sort of event.
I've seen some folks making wild claims about the sky high price they expect BTC to reach on March 7th due to the crypto summit. I've also seen some more reliable sources express their belief that the crypto summit will simply be another sell the news event. Possibly taking us even lower than we already are. Did someone say $70,000?

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.
Obviously, we still aren't doing too bad. If you look at he historical price of BTC, on March 7, 2024, it was right around $66,000. Two years ago on March 7th, it was $22,400. That $70,000 doesn't look so bad now does it? I honestly don't know what the summit today is going to bring. I am pretty confident that whatever happens the rich folks are just going to continue to get richer. The hope is that some of the scraps actually make their way to us either via clearer regulations, widespread acceptance, or a face melting alt season.
Take your pick!

I've been talking for a while now about the Splinterlands Node license I have been holding for a while now. I can't remember how I scraped the funds together to buy the thing, but somehow I did and it has been earning me SPS just sitting in my wallet for a couple of years now. They finally got the system launched and from what @azircon tells me you can vote for up to 10 node operators.
You can vote for node operators by following this link. I was going to try and run my own node, but despite my reputation on HIVE, I don't think I would have gotten enough votes for it to be profitable for me. In addition to that, although I have the hardware resources to run the node, my Internet connection is managed by someone else and I have a feeling they might notice the slightly increased traffic to specific ports or devices in the firewall.
Since I would be running it at work, that would be a little unethical and potentially illegal. Plus it would force me to answer some difficult questions. Instead, I decided to delegate my license to @monstermarket. They have always been a really great service and they were highly recommended by one of my good friends here on HIVE.
With rewards starting to be distributed today, I look forward to seeing what my take is going to be for delegating that one license.
Edit: I just realize my name shows up in the list even though I am delegating out my license, so be sure to vote for "bozz" if you have the ability. I really appreciate it!

Precious Metals
I was going through my email inbox the other day and I caught a glimpse of this special offering from my local bullion dealer Kzoo Bullion. I know a lot of times we focus on silver and gold for obvious reasons in the #silvergoldstackers community, but there is a reason people steal copper from old buildings and air conditioning units across the globe.
Copper still holds a lot of value and this 1KG Year of the snake .999 pure copper round makes it look so dang good. I probably won't buy one myself, but I'd love to see what this thing feels like in your hand. I mean, we are talking a full KG. That's a far cry from the 1 oz. piece I am used to holding.
I'm not usually one for pieces with a lot of color in them, but the subtle colors in the snake on the front side of this really appeal to me. At the time I am writing this, there are about three hours left in the sale. After that, the price will jump from $234 to who knows what. If you happen to pick one of these up be sure to let me know how cool it is!
For a while now I have been working towards a goal of having 1000 DAB staked in my Hive Engine wallet. If you don't know, staking the DBOND token earns you the DAB token. Staking the DAB token earns you more DBOND, but leaving your DAB liquid earns you HIVE. I finally hit my goal of 1000 staked DAB the other day so I can have a steady income of DBOND each day (I think it's actually a lottery system).
Now that I have hit that goal, I plan on leaving the rest of my DAB liquid so I can start earning more liquid HIVE. It's almost like this is a perpetual motion machine passively earning me more and more tokens every day. I love it! If you haven't checked out this project, you totally should. @dailydab is the account you want to look at. Thanks @raymondspeaks and @silverstackeruk for this awesome project.
Is The Green Really Coming?
Believe it or not, we are just ten days away from St. Patrick's day. While some folks might be dreaming about green beer, I think the majority of us are dreaming about green markets and green crypto gains. It's actually a scary time right now. With talk of shuttering the department of education and services like social security, @mrsbozz and I as well as my parents could be in dire straits. I hope that isn't the case, but things just feel so uncertain right now.
Perhaps this is just that mucky, muddy, brown period of winter/spring before the green of spring/summer finally arrives.
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