Hello all #FungiFriday friends
My friends!!
Happy Friday to all of you, and this Friday I join the #fungifriday community and try to bring different types of mushrooms that I found with a friend of mine when adventuring into the forest to look for some mushrooms
My friends!!
This mushroom search was quite difficult because our area has been very hot for the past few days, even the weather has reached 33 degrees Celsius. I went to the forest to look for mushrooms with my friend named @alexwilliam, he is my close friend and my neighbor, so I think it's a pleasure to invite a friend to go on an adventure to look for some mushroom pictures because the sensation is different when we go alone into the forest compared to having friends. who can share stories while hunting mushrooms.
My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw
- Our goal for mushroom hunting this Friday was a banana plantation. Because in addition to the shady place, I have also found mushrooms in this plantation several times, so I decided to invite him into the plantation for an adventure looking for mushrooms this Friday.
- Sure enough my friend, we hadn't been looking for mushrooms for too long and we were immediately greeted with a picture of the first mushroom we found.
This mushroom is very beautiful and interesting but usually this mushroom lasts around 1-2 hours if more than that time then it will bloom and rot. we found this mushroom growing on the ground under banana diapers and it lives in groups but there are also those that live alone, but I found them this time living in groups and the group is divided again into groups, usually one group grows around one to 10 mushrooms
- The next mushroom we found next to the banana plantation, namely on the palm oil plantation, this palm oil plantation belongs to my neighbor named SAMPREUN.
Usually this mushroom is called in our local language with the name EK LUMOE mushroom.
We found this mushroom living alone with a brownish color and shaped like an umbrella and I predict its size is around 7 cm
- Then we went back into the banana plantation and again we found mushrooms. This time it was a type of mushroom that was the same species as oyster mushrooms, but the texture was a little harder and the shape was a little wider. We found this mushroom growing on a Tiro tree that had fallen and rotted.
- And on our way home we found oyster mushrooms again.
This mushroom is a little different from the oyster mushroom above because this oyster mushroom is a little smaller and its texture is not too hard like the oyster mushroom above, and we found this mushroom on a rotting tree branch, we were satisfied with our mushroom-finding adventure on Friday.
Camera used | Handphone |
Lens | 64 mp |
F-stop | |
Iso speed | ISO |
Focal length | MM |
Photography | FungiFriday |
Photographer | @antonydossantos |
About the author
Maulizar Mawardi or better known as @antonydossantos. I am a student. Like taking pictures, but not a professional photographer, insect lover, nature lover, looking for momentum is my hobby.
Latitude | Longitude | Map |
5.1641417 | 96.626135 | https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=5.1641417564&mlon=96.626135747#map=13/5.16029/96.63034 |