Tabulation of the public inspectable data collected from Ethan Van Sciver's EBAY store identified 84 items sold, with a value of $2,923.22 (including shipping).
Ethan Van Sciver is a former professional comic book artist at Marvel and DC Comics, and now self-publishes through his ALL CAPS Comics brand, typically through self promotion on his YouTube Channel under the nominal theme of #COMICSGATE. Comicsgate may alternatively refer to Van Sciver's trademark, the loose affiliation of other comic book crowd funders associated with Van Sciver, or the fans and purchasers of Van Sciver's comic books and merchandise. In a Tweet on October 18, 2024, Van Sciver claimed his EBAY stores generated approximately $1,000,000 a year in sales. It occurred to me that Van Sciver's EBAY sales could potentially be a proxy for Comicsgate sentiment.
I constructed a spreadsheet with every publicly visible item listed on Van Sciver's EBAY store and recorded the data for sales on February 14, 19, and 24 - 2025. Tabulation of the public inspectable data collected from Ethan Van Sciver's EBAY store identified 84 items sold, with a value of $2,923.22 (including shipping. A ten-day collection period presents a fuller picture, but perhaps too short for speculation. Approximately $300 in sales per day would produce a bit over $100,000 in sales over a year.
Major campaigns for #Comicsgate affiliated projects were tracked using Indiegogo.com, FundMyComic.com and https://www.backerkit.com/backertracker. The number of backers shown in the columns is the cumulative backer count as of that day. During the time period three new campaigns were launched by Ethan Van Sciver (Dark Harvest), Matt Martin (Snowman 2), and Bosch Fawstin (Pigman). Van Sciver had the top project with 655 backers, and the total of backers across the index of projects was 1,276. This is approximately 127 backers per day for Comicsgate affiliated projects. Jon Malin's repackaged "Graveyard Shift Volume V Variants" garnered 180 backers during the period. Backer numbers will fluctuate depending on the on the popularity and how recently a campaign was launched.
The data collection periods are still too brief to draw strong conclusions about Comicsgate sentiment. The current backers number do appear to be less than the highest totals of Comicsgate campaigns in 2024. Van Sciver's current current rate of EBAY stores sales would not produce a $300,000 or $1,000,000 per year as he has claimed for past periods.