Before writing this, I was talking to a friend of mine and I asked her if she could tell me how I deal with people. She just went like “but do you even deal with people? You don’t o. You just avoid people and it is so annoying because small thing then you’d just vanish or ignore or go MIA for days”
That comment made me laugh so hard because it’s actually very true. I don’t know how people do it but for me, I’ll just ghost you the moment you are becoming a headache. If you’re a stranger on the streets, it even makes my ghosting way easier because where will you see me?
Weeks ago, I tried reaching out to someone on many occasions and the person kept implying that she was busy. The annoying part was that, I was also very busy but I needed to discuss something important with this person and that was why I kept reaching out. And to my chagrin, the reason why she was forming busy was because of a man.
First of all, I didn’t even know who the man was until another friend of mine showed me. The man wasn’t even my friend, he just worked with me once on a project. So why behave like towards me because of your own assumptions? This was someone I was helping. I was taking time out of my busy schedule to assist her on a project she’s been handling. And knowing how bad she wanted to succeed, I decided to just be supportive, free of charge. So imagine how I felt when I found out that was what she genuinely thought of me all this while.
She later reached out to me but I was 10 miles gone and very uninterested in whatever she wanted to tell me. To be very honest, I felt taken for granted when that thing happened because if that’s how you’d treat me even now that I’m of essence to you, then you’d probably discard me when I’m of no use. So you know what? Let me just make my myself unavailable in advance.
This issue is even sensitive to me but there are others which aren’t that big of a deal but I still go MIA. I think the peace of mind I have at the moment is something I’m over-enjoying. And it has scrapped off any interest I had in any sort of drama. So the little heat I feel, I just run away.
And this doesn’t mean I don’t like confrontation. In fact it is my thing, but I just find it so overwhelming if I always have to tell you something you’re doing wrong. I believe we all know when certain actions of ours are wrong especially when it’s something we wouldn’t like to experience. But then there are people who still do it. So why do I have to deal with such people? Me? I’ll just vanish from your life like I was never there in the first place.
Images are mine