Over the past few days, I've been buying some extra parts for my electric bike. This includes some inner tubes, a back light for when I travel during the dark, and a much better air pump. I figured these are the essentials for the time being.
Like I said in a previous post, the bike has been the best purchase I've made in 2025. It seems maintaining this bike is far cheaper than maintaining a vehicle (for obvious reasons). More than likely, not including energy, I probably would have to replace my inner tubes and oil up the chain maybe twice to four times a year. Basically that would amount to less than $100 for the year (maybe more if I'm a little more reckless).
I find that to be amusing. I know during summer, I'll have to buy a bike cover (or sometime sooner), but so far I think I have everything I need for my bike.
I talked about my bike with my cousin and I've even considered getting myself a proper moped or working on getting a motorcycle. Just about everything is cheaper and more efficient than me buying a car. I'll have to really consider it.