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The Circle of Gluttony
Welcome, lost souls, to the Circle of Gluttony, where your insatiable desires have led you to your eternal punishment. Here, those who made food their obsession, to the detriment of all else, are doomed to suffer for eternity. This circle, the second step in your descent into hell, is a place where overabundance becomes a nightmare, where every excess you committed in life returns to haunt you in grotesque and painful forms.
The banquets are lavish, the opulent dishes stretch endlessly before you, tempting, appetizing, and yet they are imbued with a sinister curse. These tables, laden with luxurious dishes and refined drinks, are a deceptive façade, a vicious trap set by your own weaknesses. Each bite you take, once a source of intense pleasure, becomes here a bitter burden. The food transforms into sand, ashes, a bitter substance that gnaws at you from within, leaving only the taste of ash and the sensation of emptiness.
You, who let your appetite devour your humanity throughout your life, now face the consequences of your gluttony. While you wallowed in abundance, others elsewhere starved. You feasted without remorse, ignoring the hungry cries of children with hollow bellies, desperate mothers, and the poor who, day after day, survived on crumbs. In this infernal circle, it is the irony of your fate that strikes you with full force: the very abundance you cherished now repels, disgusts, and tortures you.
The voices of the starving, once ignored, now echo around you in the form of ethereal whispers and moans that relentlessly pursue you. Their pain becomes yours. Every cry, every complaint, every sigh is a thorn in your soul, constantly reminding you of your past indifference and selfishness. Here, you are condemned to a hunger that can never be satisfied, a thirst that can never be quenched. Each attempt to nourish yourself only deepens your torment, each bite rekindles unbearable pain.
The other damned souls around you are in the same situation, consumed by their own endless appetites. You see them rushing to the dishes, tearing at the flesh of the food with desperate greed, but their faces betray deep pain. Their eyes, once bright with desire, are now dull, extinguished by the despair of a hunger they can never sate. You are all bound together in this macabre dance of excess, condemned to consume endlessly, but never to feel anything but pain, dissatisfaction, and suffering.
The Circle of Gluttony is a prison without walls where you are trapped in an eternal cycle of excess and deprivation. Your appetite, once your driving force, has become your tormentor. Here, satiety is an unreachable dream, and the desire to consume is a fire that never goes out, burning your soul for eternity.
In this realm of punished excess, you are forever trapped by gluttony, forced to contemplate the abyss your insatiability has carved. The Circle of Gluttony welcomes you into its cold and pitiless embrace, where abundance brings only suffering, and the memory of your past life becomes a poison that gnaws at you, day after day, without respite.
The next circle will be the Circle of Greed.
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@manuvert @khantaimur @hivecurious .